SOLUTION_MASTER_SPECIES Pt Pt+2 0 195.084 195.084 Pt(2) Pt+2 0 195.084 # Pt(4) Pt+4 0 195.084 #! no Pt+4 species defined Pd Pd+2 0 106.42 106.42 Pd(2) Pd+2 0 106.42 # Pd(4) Pd+4 0 106.42 #! no Pd+4 species defined SOLUTION_SPECIESPt+2 = Pt+2 #! need this reaction log_k 0Cl- + Pt+2 = PtCl+ log_k 4.97#2H+ + 0.5O2 + Pt = Pt+2 + H2O #! don't think you want this reaction# log_k -0.212Cl- + Pt+2 = PtCl2 log_k 8.973Cl- + Pt+2 = PtCl3- log_k 11.894Cl- + Pt+2 = Pt(Cl4)-2 #! charge must be defined as -2, not 2- log_k 13.99# -no_checkOH- + Pt+2 = Pt(OH)+ log_k 24.912OH- + Pt+2 = Pt(OH)2 log_k 28.81Pd+2 = Pd+2 #! need this reaction log_k 0Pd+2 + 4Cl- = PdCl4-2 #! need this reaction log_k 0 #! need a log KH2O + PdCl4-2 = PdCl3OH-2 + Cl- + H+ #! charge must be -2, not 2- log_k -8.98# -no_checkH2O + Pd+2 = Pd(OH)+ + H+ #! reaction balances with H+ on RHS log_k -1.86# -no_check3H2O + Pd+2 = Pd(OH)3- + 3H+ log_k -15.934H2O + Pd+2 = Pd(OH)4-2 + 4H+ log_k -29.36#! if you want +4 valence states, you must define species #! Pt+2 = Pt+4 + 2e-#! Pd+2 = Pd+4 + 2e-SOLUTION-units mg/LPd 1Pt 1Cl 1 chargeEND