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Versions 3.3.11 released
All versions of PHREEQC and PHAST codes, executables, and GUIs have been updated to version 3.3.11 at
The main change is the addition of the ColdChem.dat database developed by Toner and Catling, Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data, 2017, DOI: 10.1021/acs.jced.6b00812. It is a comprehensive Pitzer model in the Na-K-Ca-Mg-Cl system valid for low temperature, from 298.15 to < 200 K. PHREEQC was modified to allow definition of the temperature dependence of A(phi) in the Pitzer formulation through a new option, -APHI, in the PITZER keyword. The coefficients of the APHI expression are the same as the temperature dependence of other Pitzer parameters. A new Basic function, APHI, has been added to give the value of the parameter in the current calculation.
Some minor modifications were made to limit the range of the fugacity coefficient of gases. A change was made to avoid potential NULL pointer in -multi_D. An error check was added to disallow the same element name to be used for both SURFACE and EXCHANGE, which caused a NULL pointer.
In PhreeqcRM, the Fortran version of RM_SpeciesConcentrations2Module did not provide the correct return value. Generally, -3 was returned (IRM_INVALIDARG), even if the method worked properly and should have returned 0 (IRM_OK).
I'm writing because I noticed that in the C interface the function RM_SpeciesConcentrations2Module is still not returning the correct value and it returns IRM_INVALIDARG even when the argument is correct.
Thank you!
You must be writing in C. Fortran was fixed, but C still has a problem.
Add this line after line 1583 of RM_interface_C.cpp:
return return_value;
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