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Two PHREEQC based courses to be held in North America in August 2016
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Topic: Two PHREEQC based courses to be held in North America in August 2016 (Read 2884 times)
John Mahoney
Top Contributor
Posts: 81
Two PHREEQC based courses to be held in North America in August 2016
May 24, 2016, 05:52:21 AM »
Our next courses in North America will be August 1 through 4, 2016 in Lakewood, Colorado, and an Advanced Course To be held in Kingsville, Texas - August 15 through 19, 2016.
Based upon a special request we are planning a four day courses that will provide participants with a detailed understanding of geochemical modeling using the publicly available programs PHREEQC, PHAST, and the graphics package HYDRA/MEDUSA. This is a shorter version of my usual five day course. Features of this course include:
Numerous hands on exercises drawn from the instructor’s experience, which are designed to provide “outside the box” thinking in the real world application of geochemical models.
An alternative visual and intuitive approach to geochemical modeling using the HYDRA/MEDUSA package, and
The PHAST for Windows program, which couples PHREEQC with a 3-D groundwater flow model, allowing for the construction of solute transport models that include pertinent geochemical reactions.
By the end of the course, participants will understand geochemical modeling, including its shortcomings, and be able to apply geochemical models to numerous environmental issues.
The second course is a new offering:
Advanced Geochemical Modeling with the PHREEQC Family of Codes: PHREEQC, PHAST and PhreePlot
Presented by
John J. Mahoney, Ph.D., Principal Geochemist
Mahoney Geochemical Consulting LLC, Lakewood, Colorado
Location at Texas A&M University, Kingsville, Texas
(NOT College Station)
August 15th through 19th, with an additional day for an optional field trip (possible)
This five day course will cover advanced issues related to geochemical modeling with PHREEQC based programs. The course is aimed primarily at developing comprehensive models for the reactive transport program PHAST. To meet that goal we will devote two days to preparing PHAST models. We will also devote most of a day to PhreePlot.
Some prior familiarity with PHREEQC is expected. Ideally participants should have some prior understanding using PHREEQC and know how to set up a simple PHREEQC model, review output files, understand and interpret saturation indices results. Slightly more advanced modeling capabilities such as fixing solids, gases and other components such as pH, adding a reactant to a model, and preparing selected output files would help but these features will be covered on day one. We will assume little experience with surface complexation, kinetics, and solid solutions.
Some theory will be presented as a review, but it will be less than the amount covered in my basic course, and at a faster pace (if you can imagine that). EQUILIBRIUM_PHASES and redox processes will be covered on the first day. Exercises will follow the presentation to connect the lectures with PHREEQC syntax and requirements. A discussion about database issues and reliability of data will be included in the first day of presentations.
for more details and registration information about either course.
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PhreeqcUsers Discussion Forum
Training courses
Two PHREEQC based courses to be held in North America in August 2016