Conceptual Models > Kinetics and rate controlling factors
Negative Values During the Simulation
Hello everyone, I am trying to model the growth of sulfate-reducing bacteria in an environment with lactate and sulfate as substrates. During this process, lactate sometimes appears as a negative value, which leads to the error "Bad RK steps > 500 in cell". Below is my model. I appreciate your time and help.
Lactate Lactate 0 Lactate 90
Acetate Acetate 0 Acetate 60
Acetate = Acetate
log_k 0
Lactate = Lactate
log_k 0
10 L = TOT("Lactate")
20 muL = 0.0000417
40 KL = 0.0045
60 YL = 5.65
80 if ( L<=0) then goto 180
150 rate = muL * (KIN("Biomass") + 0.002) / YL * [L /(KL + L)]
160 moles = rate * TIME
170 PUT(moles, 1)
180 SAVE moles
10 S = TOT("S(6)")
30 muS = 0.000022
50 KS = 0.00005
70 YS = 4.45
80 if ( S<=0 ) then goto 180
150 rate = muS * (KIN("Biomass") + 0.002)/ YS * [S /(KS + S)]
160 moles = rate * TIME
170 PUT(moles, 2)
180 SAVE moles
60 YL = 5.65
70 YS = 4.45
200 rate = -YL * get(1) -YS * get(2) + 2.315e-7 * (KIN("Biomass") + 0.002)
210 dB = rate * time
220 save dB
temp 25
pH 3.6
pe 4
redox pe
units mmol/l
density 1
Acetate 0.5
Lactate 11.2
S(6) 10.7
-water 1 # kg
USE solution 1
-formula Acetate 1 H2O -1 Lactate -1
-m 1
-m0 1
-tol 1e-08
-formula SO4-2 -1 H+ -2 H2S 1 H2O 4
-m 1
-m0 1
-tol 1e-08
-formula H2O 1
-m 1e-06
-m0 1e-06
-tol 1e-08
-steps 21600 in 60 steps # seconds
-step_divide 1
-runge_kutta 3
-bad_step_max 500
-headings Time
-axis_titles "Time(h)" "Growth (mg/L)" ""
-initial_solutions true
-connect_simulations true
-plot_concentration_vs x
10 graph_x TOTAL_TIME/3600
20 graph_y kin("Biomass") * 1000
-active true
-headings Time
-axis_titles "Time(h)" "Sulphate (mM)" ""
-initial_solutions true
-connect_simulations true
-plot_concentration_vs x
10 graph_x TOTAL_TIME/3600
20 graph_y 1000 * tot("S(6)")
-active true
-headings Time Lactate Acetate
-axis_titles "Time(h)" "Concentration, mM" "Concentration, mM"
-initial_solutions true
-connect_simulations true
-plot_concentration_vs x
10 graph_x TOTAL_TIME/3600
20 graph_y 1000 * tot("Lactate")
30 graph_sy 1000 * tot("Acetate")
-active true
--- End code ---
Your kinetic reaction formulas need to be different. -formula in KINETICS adds the net change in elements defined by the reaction. Charge is not considered, so your sulfate reduction reaction actually adds 8 H to the solution. You should consider the C,nH, and O change; when lactate is converted to acetate, CH2O is released. Below is a data block that assumes sulfate reduction occurs at the same rate as lactate conversion. You will have to do some more work if you want lactate to react at a different rate than sulfate. Possibly putting the carbon from lactate in a pool that determines the sulfate reduction reaction. Ultimately, all the carbon from lactate should be consumed.
--- Code: ---KINETICS 1
# C3H6O3 Lactic acid
# C2H4O2 Acetic acid
-formula Acetate 1 CH2O 1 Lactate -1
-m 1
-m0 1
-tol 1e-08
# -formula SO4-2 -1 H+ -2 H2S 1 H2O 4
# -m 1
# -m0 1
# -tol 1e-08
-formula H2O 1
-m 1e-06
-m0 1e-06
-tol 1e-08
-steps 21600 in 60 steps # seconds
--- End code ---
I think there is also a logic error in your rates definitions. When you "SAVE moles" it is the product of rate times TIME. You multiply by TIME again in the Biomass definition. You should base each rate on the solution at the current time (as incremented automatically by KINETICS). You should not predict the concentration at the end of the time step. The kinetics algorithms are not straightforward extrapolations.
I found this problem by running the -cvode option. It leads to a different answer than the RK. I think -cvode is closer to the correct answer, but you need to fix the rate definitions.
--- Code: ---RATES
10 L = TOT("Lactate")
20 muL = 0.0000417
40 KL = 0.0045
60 YL = 5.65
80 if ( L<=0) then goto 180
150 rate = muL * (KIN("Biomass") + 0.002) / YL * [L /(KL + L)]
160 moles = rate * TIME
170 PUT(moles, 1)
180 SAVE moles
60 YL = 5.65
70 YS = 4.45
200 rate = -YL * get(1) -YS * get(2) + 2.315e-7 * (KIN("Biomass") + 0.002)
210 dB = rate * time
220 save dB
--- End code ---
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