The PhreeqcUsers Forum > Celebrating 10 years of

Celebrating 10 years


It's hard to believe that it's been a decade since we launched! What started as a small community with the aim of sharing coding and modelling tips has grown into a thriving and accessible forum of nearly 3000 members with a vast resource of examples and knowledge. Members have made over 9000 posts across 2200 topics.

Thank you to every one of you who has contributed, whether by asking questions, posting answers or tips, moderating, or simply telling others about the forum. We owe enormous thanks to David Parkhurst who has made more than 3500 posts, all of which have helped members develop their knowledge and application of Phreeqc and wider geochemistry.

PhreeqcUsers is non-profit and we could not have continued to run the forum without so many generous donations. Thank you again to those who have donated over the years.

We are looking forward to many more years of

Cheers to all of you,
PhreeqcUsers Forum Team


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