TITLE Beaker Dissolution of Ultramafic Rock Sample in Simulated Seawater#Using Example 5 from PHREEQC Version 3 as a base/template#https://phreeqcusers.org/index.php/topic,2316.0.html -- this is a good postSolution 1 ATSM Artificial Seawaterunits mmol/kgw pH 8.1 temp 25 Na 485.55 K 10.2 Ca 10.28 Mg 53.0 Cl 546.0 S(6) 28.24 as SO4 C(4) 2.3 as CO3 B 0.416 as B(OH)3 Sr 0.091 Si 0.066 as H4SiO4 Alkalinity 2.4 as HCO3KINETICS 1 dissolution over ~1 dayForsterite -m 0.0 -m0 0.010 -parms 200000 0.3 -steps 100 1000 10000 100000RATES Forsterite -start1 rem M = current number of moles of calcite2 rem M0 = number of moles of calcite initially present3 rem PARM(1) = A/V, cm^2/L 4 rem PARM(2) = exponent for M/M010 si_cc = SI("Forsterite")20 if (M <= 0 and si_cc < 0) then goto 20030 k1 = 10^(0.198 - 444.0 / TK )40 k2 = 10^(2.84 - 2177.0 / TK)50 if TC <= 25 then k3 = 10^(-5.86 - 317.0 / TK )60 if TC > 25 then k3 = 10^(-1.1 - 1737.0 / TK )70 t = 180 if M0 > 0 then t = M/M090 if t = 0 then t = 1100 area = PARM(1) * (t)^PARM(2)110 rf = k1*ACT("H+")+k2*ACT("CO2")+k3*ACT("H2O")120 rem 1e-3 converts mmol to mol130 rate = area * 1e-3 * rf * (1 - 10^(2/3*si_cc))140 moles = rate * TIME200 SAVE moles -endSELECTED_OUTPUT -file beakerdissV2.sel -kinetic_reactants Forsterite -molalities Ca+2 Mg+2END
TITLE Beaker Dissolution of Ultramafic Rock Sample in Simulated Seawater#Using Example 5 from PHREEQC Version 3 as a base/template#https://phreeqcusers.org/index.php/topic,2316.0.html -- this is a good postSolution 1 ATSM Artificial Seawaterunits mmol/kgw pH 8.1 temp 25 Na 485.55 K 10.2 Ca 10.28 Mg 53.0 Cl 546.0 S(6) 28.24 as SO4 C(4) 2.3 as CO3 B 0.416 as B(OH)3 Sr 0.091 Si 0.066 as H4SiO4 Alkalinity 2.4 as HCO3KINETICS 1 dissolution over ~3 hoursForsterite -m0 0.1 -parms 500 0.3 -steps 10000 in 10RATES Forsterite -start1 rem M = current number of moles of forsterite2 rem M0 = number of moles of forsterite initially present 3 rem PARM(1) = A/V, cm^2/L 4 rem PARM(2) = exponent for M/M0 #I am unsure what PARM(2) is for10 si_cc = SI("Calcite") #pulls saturation indicies for calcite20 if (M <= 0 and si_forsterite < 0) then goto 200 #if current moles of calcite is 0 and SI of calcite < 0 then save current moles30 k1 = 10^(0.198 - 444.0 / TK ) #k1 is a rate constant dependant on temperature (TK is temperature in Kelvin)40 k2 = 10^(2.84 - 2177.0 / TK) #k2 is a rate constant dependant on temperature (TK is temeprature in Kelvin)50 if TC <= 25 then k3 = 10^(-5.86 - 317.0 / TK ) #k3 is a rate constant dependant on temperature (TC is temperature in celcius, this if for TC at or below 25) 60 if TC > 25 then k3 = 10^(-1.1 - 1737.0 / TK ) #k3 is a rate constant dependant on temeprature (for TC above 25 degrees)70 t = 180 if M0 > 0 then t = M/M090 if t = 0 then t = 1100 area = PARM(1) * (t)^PARM(2) #(surface area to volume ratio)*(fraction of forsterite remaining^(M0 exponent))110 rf = k1*ACT("H+")+k2*ACT("CO2")+k3*ACT("H2O") 120 rem 1e-3 converts mmol to mol130 rate = area * 1e-3 * rf * (1 - 10^(2/3*si_forsterite))140 moles = rate * TIME200 SAVE moles210 PRINT -endSELECTED_OUTPUT -file beakerdissV3.sel -kinetic_reactants Forsterite -saturation_indices Forsterite -molalities Ca+2 Mg+2END
TITLE Beaker Dissolution of Ultramafic Rock Sample in Simulated Seawater#Using Example 5 from PHREEQC Version 3 as a base/template#https://phreeqcusers.org/index.php/topic,2316.0.html -- this is a good postSOLUTION 1 Seawater units mol/kgw temp 25.0 pH 7.0KINETICS 1 dissolution over ~40 dayForsterite -m0 0.01 -parms 6.3 0.3 -steps 3456000 in 30RATESForsterite#from _________________________________________________-start1 rem unit should be mol,kgw-1 and second-12 rem parm(1) is surface area in the unit of m2/kgw3 rem calculation of surface area can be found in the note4 rem M is current moles of minerals. M0 is the initial moles of minerals5 rem parm(2) is a correction factor10 rem acid solution parameters #k1 rate for olivine dissolution under acidic condition11 a1=8.38E+04 #a1 temperature independan pre-exponential factor12 E1=67206 #E1 is the molar activation energy13 n1=0.470 #n1 is the reaction order for acidic conditions20 rem neutral solution parameters #k2 rate constant21 a2=1.58E+03 #a2 temperature independant pre-exponential factor22 E2=79000 #E2 is the molar activation energy30 rem base solution parameters #k3 rate constant31 a3=1.00E-07 #a3 temperature independant pre-exponential factor32 E3=56637 #E3 is the molar activation energy33 n2=-0.600 #n2 is the reaction order for basic conditions36 rem rate=0 if no minerals and undersaturated40 SR_mineral=SR("Forsterite") #saturation ratio (i.e. IAP/K)41 if (M<0) then goto 200 #if moles of forsterite less than 0 then save moles (prevent negative?)42 if (M=0 and SR_mineral<1) then goto 20043 if (M0<=0) then SA=PARM(1) else SA=PARM(1)*(M/M0)^0.67 #2/3 or 0.67 is a geometric scaling value assuming spherical grains are decerasing50 if (SA<=0) then SA=160 R=8.3145175 Rate1=a1*EXP(-E1/R/TK)*ACT("H+")^n1 #acid rate expression80 Rate2=a2*EXP(-E2/R/TK) #neutral rate expression85 Rate3=a3*EXP(-E3/R/TK)*ACT("H+")^n2 #base rate expression90 Rate=(Rate1+Rate2+Rate3)*(1-SR_mineral)*SA*parm(2)100 moles= rate*Time200 save moles210 PRINT-endSELECTED_OUTPUT -file beakerdissV3.sel -kinetic_reactants Forsterite -saturation_indices Forsterite -molalities Ca+2 Mg+2 -totals MgEND
TITLE Beaker Dissolution of Ultramafic Rock Sample in Simulated Seawater#Using Example 5 from PHREEQC Version 3 as a base/template#https://phreeqcusers.org/index.php/topic,2316.0.html -- this is a good postSOLUTION 1 Seawater units mol/kgw temp 25.0 pH 7.0KINETICS 1 dissolution over ~40 dayForsterite -m0 0.01 -parms 6.3 0.3 Lizardite -m0 0.1 -parms 6.3 0.3-steps 3456000 in 5RATESForsterite#from _________________________________________________-start1 rem unit should be mol,kgw-1 and second-12 rem parm(1) is surface area in the unit of m2/kgw3 rem calculation of surface area can be found in the note4 rem M is current moles of minerals. M0 is the initial moles of minerals5 rem parm(2) is a correction factor10 rem acid solution parameters #k1 rate for olivine dissolution under acidic condition11 a1=8.38E+04 #a1 temperature independan pre-exponential factor12 E1=67206 #E1 is the molar activation energy13 n1=0.470 #n1 is the reaction order for acidic conditions20 rem neutral solution parameters #k2 rate constant21 a2=1.58E+03 #a2 temperature independant pre-exponential factor22 E2=79000 #E2 is the molar activation energy30 rem base solution parameters #k3 rate constant31 a3=1.00E-07 #a3 temperature independant pre-exponential factor32 E3=56637 #E3 is the molar activation energy33 n2=-0.600 #n2 is the reaction order for basic conditions36 rem rate=0 if no minerals and undersaturated40 SR_mineral=SR("Forsterite") #saturation ratio (i.e. IAP/K)41 if (M<0) then goto 200 #if moles of forsterite less than 0 then save moles (prevent negative?)42 if (M=0 and SR_mineral<1) then goto 20043 if (M0<=0) then SA=PARM(1) else SA=PARM(1)*(M/M0)^0.67 #2/3 or 0.67 is a geometric scaling value assuming spherical grains are decerasing50 if (SA<=0) then SA=160 R=8.3145175 Rate1=a1*EXP(-E1/R/TK)*ACT("H+")^n1 #acid rate expression80 Rate2=a2*EXP(-E2/R/TK) #neutral rate expression85 Rate3=a3*EXP(-E3/R/TK)*ACT("H+")^n2 #base rate expression90 Rate=(Rate1+Rate2+Rate3)*(1-SR_mineral)*SA*parm(2)100 moles= Rate*Time200 save moles210 PRINT-endLizardite#from _________________________________________________-start1 rem unit should be mol,kgw-1 and second-12 rem parm(1) is surface area in the unit of m2/kgw3 rem calculation of surface area can be found in the note4 rem M is current moles of minerals. M0 is the initial moles of minerals5 rem parm(2) is a correction factor10 rem acid solution parameters #k1 rate for olivine dissolution under acidic condition11 a1=3.36E07 #a1 temperature independan pre-exponential factor12 E1=75500 #E1 is the molar activation energy13 n1=0.470 #n1 is the reaction order for acidic conditions20 rem neutral solution parameters #k2 rate constant21 a2=3.28E03 #a2 temperature independant pre-exponential factor22 E2=56600 #E2 is the molar activation energy30 rem base solution parameters #k3 rate constant *note* lizardite has no reported base solution params36 rem rate=0 if no minerals and undersaturated40 SR_mineral=SR("Lizardite") #saturation ratio (i.e. IAP/K)41 if (M<0) then goto 200 #if moles of forsterite less than 0 then save moles (prevent negative?)42 if (M=0 and SR_mineral<1) then goto 20043 if (M0<=0) then SA=PARM(1) else SA=PARM(1)*(M/M0)^0.67 #2/3 or 0.67 is a geometric scaling value assuming spherical grains are decerasing50 if (SA<=0) then SA=160 R=8.3145175 Rate1=a1*EXP(-E1/R/TK)*ACT("H+")^n1 #acid rate expression80 Rate2=a2*EXP(-E2/R/TK) #neutral rate expression90 Rate=(Rate1+Rate2+Rate3)*(1-SR_mineral)*SA*parm(2)100 moles= rate*Time200 save moles210 PRINT-endSELECTED_OUTPUT -file beakerdissV4_1.sel -kinetic_reactants Forsterite Lizardite -saturation_indices Forsterite Lizardite -molalities Ca+2 Mg+2 -totals MgEND
TITLE Beaker Dissolution of Ultramafic Rock Sample in Simulated Seawater#Using Example 5 from PHREEQC Version 3 as a base/template#https://phreeqcusers.org/index.php/topic,2316.0.html -- this is a good postSOLUTION 1 Ocean_Water temp 25 pH 8.1 pe 4 redox pe units mol/kgw density 1.025 Na 0.48555 K 0.0102 Ca 0.01028 Mg 0.0528 Cl 0.564 S(6) 0.02824 as SO4 C(4) 0.00206 as HCO3 B 0.000416 as B(OH)3 Si 0.00006 as H4SiO4GAS_PHASE 1 -- Air -fixed_pressure -pressure 1.0 -volume 1.0 -temperature 25.0 CH4(g) 0.0 CO2(g) 0.000316 O2(g) 0.2 N2(g) 0.78 KINETICS 1 dissolution over ~40 day#Forsterite # -m0 0.01 # -parms 6.3 1 Lizardite -m0 0.1 -parms 6.3 1-steps 3456000 in 30-cvode trueRATESForsterite#from _________________________________________________-start1 rem unit should be mol,kgw-1 and second-12 rem parm(1) is surface area in the unit of m2/kgw3 rem calculation of surface area can be found in the note4 rem M is current moles of minerals. M0 is the initial moles of minerals5 rem parm(2) is a correction factor10 rem acid solution parameters #k1 rate for olivine dissolution under acidic condition11 a1=8.38E+04 #a1 temperature independan pre-exponential factor12 E1=67206 #E1 is the molar activation energy13 n1=0.470 #n1 is the reaction order for acidic conditions20 rem neutral solution parameters #k2 rate constant21 a2=1.58E+03 #a2 temperature independant pre-exponential factor22 E2=79000 #E2 is the molar activation energy30 rem base solution parameters #k3 rate constant31 a3=1.00E-07 #a3 temperature independant pre-exponential factor32 E3=56637 #E3 is the molar activation energy33 n2=-0.600 #n2 is the reaction order for basic conditions36 rem rate=0 if no minerals and undersaturated40 SR_mineral=SR("Forsterite") #saturation ratio (i.e. IAP/K)41 if (M<0) then goto 200 #if moles of forsterite less than 0 then save moles (prevent negative?)42 if (M=0 and SR_mineral<1) then goto 20043 if (M0<=0) then SA=PARM(1) else SA=PARM(1)*(M/M0)^0.67 #2/3 or 0.67 is a geometric scaling value assuming spherical grains are decerasing50 if (SA<=0) then SA=160 R=8.3145175 Rate1=a1*EXP(-E1/R/TK)*ACT("H+")^n1 #acid rate expression80 Rate2=a2*EXP(-E2/R/TK) #neutral rate expression85 Rate3=a3*EXP(-E3/R/TK)*ACT("H+")^n2 #base rate expression90 Rate=(Rate1+Rate2+Rate3)*(1-SR_mineral)*SA*parm(2)100 moles= Rate*Time200 save moles210 PRINT-endLizardite#from Daval et al. 2013-start1 rem unit should be mol,kgw-1 and second-12 rem parm(1) is surface area in the unit of m2/kgw3 rem calculation of surface area can be found in the note4 rem M is current moles of minerals. M0 is the initial moles of minerals5 rem parm(2) is a correction factor10 rem acid solution parameters #k1 rate for olivine dissolution under acidic condition11 a1=5.37E-03 #a1 temperature independan pre-exponential factor12 E1=42000 #E1 is the molar activation energy13 n1=0.53 #n1 is the reaction order for acidic conditions36 rem rate=0 if no minerals and undersaturated40 SR_mineral=SR("Lizardite") #saturation ratio (i.e. IAP/K)41 if (M<0) then goto 200 #if moles of forsterite less than 0 then save moles (prevent negative?)42 if (M=0 and SR_mineral<1) then goto 20043 if (M0<=0) then SA=PARM(1) else SA=PARM(1)*(M/M0)^0.67 #2/3 or 0.67 is a geometric scaling value assuming spherical grains are decerasing50 if (SA<=0) then SA=160 R=8.3145175 Rate1=a1*EXP(-E1/R/TK)*ACT("H+")^n1 #single rate expression90 Rate=(Rate1)*(1-SR_mineral)*SA*parm(2)100 moles= rate*Time200 save moles210 PRINT-endSELECTED_OUTPUT -file beakerdissV4_gas1.sel -kinetic_reactants Forsterite Lizardite -saturation_indices Forsterite Lizardite -molalities Ca+2 Mg+2 -totals Mg SiUSER_GRAPH 1 -chart_title "ultramafic dissolution" -headings Lizardite pH -axis_titles Days "mol" -initial_solutions true -start10 PLOT_XY total_time/86400, KIN_DELTA("Lizardite"), color = RED, symbol = Square, symbol_size = 6, y-axis = 120 PLOT_XY total_time/86400, -la("H+"), color = Blue, symbol = Square, symbol_size = 6, y-axis = 2 -endUSER_GRAPH 2 -headings Mg -chart_title "ion concentrations" -axis_titles days "mmol" -initial_solution true -start10 graph_x total_time/8640020 graph_y TOTMOLE("Mg")*1000 -end