SO_4^(2-) (aq)+5H_2 (aq)→H_2 S(aq)+H_2 O(l)
RATES Sulfate_formation-start10 qm = 1.21E-515 Y = 0.0720 rate = -qm/Y * TOT("S(-2)")/(2.7515E-3 + TOT("S(-2)")) * kin("Biomass") * TOT("Hdg")/(2.9E-6 + TOT("Hdg"))30 moles = rate * TIME40 PUT(rate,1) #save the rate for use in Biomass rate calculation50 SAVE moles-end Biomass-start 1 Y = 0.07 #SRB: Y=0.08, b=8.565e-07 2 b = 1.21E-6 10 rate = get(1) 20 rate = -Y*rate - b*M # negative rate increases M (biomass) # positive rate (b*B) decreases M (biomass) 30 moles = -rate * time 40 if(M + moles) < 0 then moles = -M 50 save moles-endEnd SOLUTION 1 temp 48 #optimal 48degC, max 113degC, min 10degC pH 7.01 charge #optimal 7.01, max 11.5, min 1 pe 4 redox pe units umol/L S(6) 1000 -water 1 # kgENDGAS_PHASE 1 -fixed_pressure -pressure 200 -volume 2 -temperature 48 #optimal 48degC, max 113degC, min 10degC #CO2(g) 0 H2S(g) 0 Hdg(g) 200 #In Phreeqc Database is Hdg ENDINCREMENTAL_REACTIONS trueKINETICS 1 Sulfate_formation -formula Hdg -5 SO4-2 -1 H2O 1 H2S 1 -m0 1.409e+01 #all available moles of Hdg --> see phr.out file in the beginning when reaction starts -tol 1e-08 Biomass -formula CH1.8O0.5N0.2 0.0 -m 1.0e-5 -steps 17280000 in 100 steps #20 Tage#-steps 3456000 in 100 steps #400 Tage-cvode #-step_divide 1#-runge_kutta 3#-bad_step_max 500ENDUSE solution 1USE kinetics 1USE gas_phase 1USER_GRAPH 1 -chart_title "Gaseous components during sulfate reduction" -headings H2S(g) Hdg(g) -axis_titles "Days" "Pressure gas phase [atm]" -axis_scale y_axis auto auto #log #-axis_scale x_axis 0 400 -initial_solutions false -connect_simulations true -plot_concentration_vs x -start10 PLOT_XY TOTAL_TIME/86400, GAS("H2S(g)"),color=Orange,symbol=Triangle,symbol_size=0,y_axis=1,line_width=320 PLOT_XY TOTAL_TIME/86400, GAS("Hdg(g)"), color=Blue,symbol=Diamond,symbol_size=0,y_axis=1,line_width=3 -end -active trueUSER_GRAPH 2 -chart_title "Aqueous species during sulfate reduction" -headings SO4(aq) H2S(aq) Hdg(aq) Biomass(aq) -axis_titles "Days" "Mole concentration of aqu. species" "Moles of Biomass in aqu. phase" -axis_scale y_axis auto auto #log -axis_scale sy_axis auto auto #log #-axis_scale x_axis 0 400 -initial_solutions false -connect_simulations true -plot_concentration_vs x -start10 PLOT_XY TOTAL_TIME/86400, TOT("S(6)"), color=Black,symbol=Square,symbol_size=0,y_axis=1,line_width=320 PLOT_XY TOTAL_TIME/86400, TOT("S(-2)"),color=Orange,symbol=Triangle,symbol_size=0,y_axis=1,line_width=330 PLOT_XY TOTAL_TIME/86400, TOT("Hdg"), color=Blue,symbol=Diamond,symbol_size=0,y_axis=1,line_width=340 PLOT_XY TOTAL_TIME/86400, KIN("Biomass"), color=Green,symbol=Circle,symbol_size=6,y_axis=2,line_width=1 -end -active true USER_GRAPH 3 -chart_title "Total Moles in the System" -headings SO4 H2S Hdg -axis_titles "Days" "Moles" "Moles of H2S" -axis_scale y_axis auto auto #log -axis_scale sy_axis auto auto #log #-axis_scale x_axis 0 400 -initial_solutions false -connect_simulations true -plot_concentration_vs x -start10 PLOT_XY TOTAL_TIME/86400, TOTMOLE("S(6)")+GAS("S(6)"), color=Black,symbol=Square,symbol_size=0,y_axis=1,line_width=320 PLOT_XY TOTAL_TIME/86400, TOT("S(-2)")+GAS("H2S(g)"),color=Orange,symbol=Triangle,symbol_size=0,y_axis=2,line_width=330 PLOT_XY TOTAL_TIME/86400, TOT("Hdg")+GAS("Hdg(g)"), color=Blue,symbol=Diamond,symbol_size=0,y_axis=1,line_width=3 -end -active true
RATES Sulfate_reduction-start10 qm = 1.21E-515 Y = 0.07#20 rate = -qm/Y * TOT("S(-2)")/(2.7515E-3 + TOT("S(-2)")) * kin("Biomass") * TOT("Hdg")/(2.9E-6 + TOT("Hdg"))20 rate = qm/Y * TOT("S(6)")/(2.7515E-3 + TOT("S(6)")) * KIN("Biomass") * TOT("Hdg")/(2.9E-6 + TOT("Hdg"))30 moles = rate * TIME40 PUT(rate,1) #save the rate for use in Biomass rate calculation50 SAVE moles60 PRINT moles-end Biomass-start 1 Y = 0.07 #SRB: Y=0.08, b=8.565e-07 2 b = 1.21E-6 10 rate = get(1) 20 rate = -Y*rate + b*M # negative rate increases M (biomass) # positive rate (b*B) decreases M (biomass) 30 moles = rate * time #40 if(M + moles) < 0 then moles = -M 50 save moles-endEndSOLUTION 1 temp 48 #optimal 48degC, max 113degC, min 10degC pH 7.01 #charge #optimal 7.01, max 11.5, min 1 pe 4 redox pe units umol/L Na 1 charge S(6) 1000 -water 1 # kgENDGAS_PHASE 1 -fixed_pressure -pressure 200 -volume 2 -temperature 48 #optimal 48degC, max 113degC, min 10degC #CO2(g) 0 H2S(g) 0 Hdg(g) 200 #In Phreeqc Database is HdgENDINCREMENTAL_REACTIONS trueKINETICS 1Sulfate_reduction -formula Hdg -5 H2 2.5 -m0 1.409e+01 #all available moles of Hdg --> see phr.out file in the beginning when reaction startsBiomass -formula CH1.8O0.5N0.2 0.0 -m 1.0e-5-steps 8640000 in 100 steps #100 Tage-cvodeENDUSE solution 1USE kinetics 1USE gas_phase 1USER_GRAPH 1 -chart_title "Gaseous components during sulfate reduction" -headings H2S(g) Hdg(g) -axis_titles "Days" "Pressure gas phase [atm]" -axis_scale y_axis auto auto auto auto log #-axis_scale x_axis 0 400 -initial_solutions false -connect_simulations true -plot_concentration_vs x -start10 PLOT_XY TOTAL_TIME/86400, GAS("H2S(g)"), color=Orange,symbol=Triangle,symbol_size=0,y_axis=1,line_width=320 PLOT_XY TOTAL_TIME/86400, GAS("Hdg(g)"), color=Blue,symbol=Diamond,symbol_size=0,y_axis=1,line_width=3 -end -active trueUSER_GRAPH 2 -chart_title "Aqueous species during sulfate reduction" -headings SO4(aq) H2S(aq) Hdg(aq) Biomass(aq) -axis_titles "Days" "Molality" "Moles of Biomass in aqu. phase" -axis_scale y_axis auto auto auto auto log -axis_scale sy_axis auto auto #log -initial_solutions false -connect_simulations true -plot_concentration_vs x -start10 PLOT_XY TOTAL_TIME/86400, TOT("S(6)"), color=Black,symbol=Square,symbol_size=0,y_axis=1,line_width=320 PLOT_XY TOTAL_TIME/86400, TOT("S(-2)"),color=Orange,symbol=Triangle,symbol_size=0,y_axis=1,line_width=330 PLOT_XY TOTAL_TIME/86400, TOT("Hdg"), color=Blue,symbol=Diamond,symbol_size=0,y_axis=1,line_width=340 PLOT_XY TOTAL_TIME/86400, KIN("Biomass"), color=Green,symbol=Circle,symbol_size=6,y_axis=2,line_width=1 -end -active true USER_GRAPH 3 -chart_title "Total Moles in the System" -headings S(6) S(-2) Hdg -axis_titles "Days" "Molesf" "Moles of Hdg" -initial_solutions false -connect_simulations true -plot_concentration_vs x -start10 PLOT_XY TOTAL_TIME/86400, TOTMOLE("S(6)"), color=Black,symbol=Square,symbol_size=0,y_axis=1,line_width=320 PLOT_XY TOTAL_TIME/86400, TOTMOLE("S(-2)") + GAS("H2S(g)"),color=Orange,symbol=Triangle,symbol_size=0,y_axis=1,line_width=330 PLOT_XY TOTAL_TIME/86400, TOTMOLE("Hdg") + GAS("Hdg(g)"), color=Blue,symbol=Diamond,symbol_size=0,y_axis=2,line_width=3 -end -active true
RATES Sulfate_reduction-start10 qm = 1.21E-515 Y = 0.0720 rate = qm/Y * TOT("S(6)")/(2.7515E-3 + TOT("S(6)")) * TOT("Hdg")/(2.9E-6 + TOT("Hdg")) * KIN("Biomass")30 moles = rate * TIME40 PUT(rate,1) 50 SAVE moles#60 PRINT moles-end Biomass-start 1 Y = 0.07 2 b = 1.21E-7 10 rate = get(1) 20 rate = -Y*rate + b*M # negative rate increases M (biomass) # positive rate (b*B) decreases M (biomass) 30 moles = rate * time 40 save moles-endEndSOLUTION 1 temp 25 #optimal 48degC, max 113degC, min 10degC pH 7.01 #optimal 7.01, max 11.5, min 1 pe 4 redox pe units mmol/L S(6) 1000 -water 2 # kgENDGAS_PHASE 1 -fixed_pressure -pressure 300 -volume 5 #Gas Phase must be bigger than Solution Volume else H2S goes into Solution -temperature 25 #optimal 48degC, max 113degC, min 10degC H2S(g) 0 Hdg(g) 300 ENDINCREMENTAL_REACTIONS trueKINETICS 1Sulfate_reduction -formula Hdg -1 H2 1 #H2S 1 -m0 1.409e+10 Biomass -formula CH1.8O0.5N0.2 0.0 -m 1.0e-5 -steps 3456000 in 100 steps #400 Tage-cvodeENDUSE solution 1USE kinetics 1USE gas_phase 1USER_GRAPH 1 -chart_title "Gaseous components during Sulfate reduction" -headings H2S(g) Hdg(g) -axis_titles "Days" "Pressure gas phase [atm]" -axis_scale y_axis auto auto # -axis_scale x_axis 0 400 -initial_solutions false -connect_simulations true -plot_concentration_vs x -start10 PLOT_XY TOTAL_TIME/86400, GAS("H2S(g)"), color=Orange,symbol=Triangle,symbol_size=0,y_axis=1,line_width=320 PLOT_XY TOTAL_TIME/86400, GAS("Hdg(g)"), color=Blue,symbol=Diamond,symbol_size=0,y_axis=1,line_width=3 -end -active true USER_GRAPH 2 -chart_title "Aqueous species during Sulfate reduction" -headings SO4(aq) H2S(aq) Hdg(aq) Biomass(aq) -axis_titles "Days" "Molality" "Moles of Biomass in aqu. phase" -axis_scale y_axis auto auto -axis_scale sy_axis auto auto #-axis_scale x_axis 0 400 -initial_solutions false -connect_simulations true -plot_concentration_vs x -start10 PLOT_XY TOTAL_TIME/86400, TOTMOLE("S(6)"), color=Black,symbol=Square,symbol_size=0,y_axis=1,line_width=320 PLOT_XY TOTAL_TIME/86400, TOTMOLE("S(-2)"),color=Orange,symbol=Triangle,symbol_size=0,y_axis=1,line_width=330 PLOT_XY TOTAL_TIME/86400, TOTMOLE("Hdg"), color=Blue,symbol=Diamond,symbol_size=0,y_axis=1,line_width=340 PLOT_XY TOTAL_TIME/86400, KIN("Biomass"), color=Green,symbol=Circle,symbol_size=6,y_axis=2,line_width=1 -end -active true USER_GRAPH 3 -chart_title "Total Moles in the System" -headings SO4 H2S Hdg -axis_titles "Days" "Moles" "Moles of Hdg" -axis_scale y_axis auto auto -axis_scale sy_axis auto auto #-axis_scale x_axis 0 400 -initial_solutions false -connect_simulations true -plot_concentration_vs x -start10 PLOT_XY TOTAL_TIME/86400, TOTMOLE("S(6)"), color=Black,symbol=Square,symbol_size=0,y_axis=1,line_width=320 PLOT_XY TOTAL_TIME/86400, TOTMOLE("S(-2)") + GAS("H2S(g)"),color=Orange,symbol=Triangle,symbol_size=0,y_axis=1,line_width=330 PLOT_XY TOTAL_TIME/86400, TOTMOLE("Hdg") + GAS("Hdg(g)"), color=Blue,symbol=Diamond,symbol_size=0,y_axis=2,line_width=3 -end -active true