Conceptual Models > Database selection and modification
Cannot recognise masterspecies
I am new to PHREEQC. I am trying to run a batch experiment with a fixed volume, using a solution of seawater. The goal is to add CO2 in gas phase in steps and see how this affects pH of the solution. For this purpose, I want to use the phreeqc.dat database, but for some reason it can't recognise CO2 and other species at all. I have also tried to make a manuel database but that doesnt work either.
--- Code: ---DATABASE phreeqc.dat
SOLUTION 1 Seawater
units mmol/kgw
temp 25
pH 8.2 charge
pe 4
redox pe
density 1.023
-water 1
Na 470.869
Cl 546.448
-pressure 1.0
-volume 1.0
CO2(g) 0.0
CO2(g) 1.0
0.01 moles in 10 steps
-file output.txt
-reset false
-solution true
-state true
-pH true
-pe true
-temperature true
-alkalinity true
-ionic_strength true
-totals CO2(g) CO3 HCO3 H2CO3
-activities CO2 HCO3- CO3-2 H+
-saturation_indices Calcite Gypsum Halite
--- End code ---
The errors is as follows: WARNING: Did not find master species, CO2(g).
WARNING: Did not find master species, CO3.
WARNING: Did not find master species, HCO3.
WARNING: Did not find master species, H2CO3.
Calculation time: 0,06 s. Estimated CO2 emission: 0,00 g.
I hope anyone can help!
In SELECTED_OUTPUT, -totals refers to element totals, not aqueous species. The elements are defined in SOLUTION_MASTER_SPECIES in the database file. For carbon, you could select C, total dissolved carbon; C(4), TDIC; or C(-4), methane.
--- Code: ----totals C C(4) C(-4)
--- End code ---
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