Processes > Oxidation and reduction equilibria
TCE degradation via ZVI
I am PhD student and working on a problem where TCE is injecting to a column. The column has a mixture of ZVI and sand. Now, I am trying to run PHREEQC to see the effect of TCE on ZVI dissolution in the system. Firstly, I am trying to model batch system. To run it, the database need to be customized. I tried to follow one of the discussion from here but failed to see the impact of TCE on ZVI dissolution.
I am not very experienced in PHREEQC program. So, please help me by showing some direction to prepare the database or refer me if anyhow I can get the database.
Md Mahmudul Hassan
I expect you will need to consider TCE degradation as either (1) a KINETIC process, where you would need experimental data to know how fast TCE degrades, or (2) an instantaneous process, where TCE degrades as soon as it is in contact with ZVI. You may also want to consider the degradation products, but they again may be kinetically controlled.
You will have to develop a conceptual model of your calculations. If you search this forum for TCE or ZVI, there are quite a few posts, perhaps they will give you some ideas.
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