DATABASE C:\phreeqc\database\core10.datRATESForsterite-start1 rem unit should be mol,kgw-1 and second-12 rem parm(1) is surface area in the unit of m2/kgw3 rem calculation of surface area can be found in the note4 rem M is current moles of minerals. M0 is the initial moles of minerals5 rem parm(2) is a correction factor10 rem acid solution parameters11 a1=8.38E+0412 E1=6720613 n1=0.47020 rem neutral solution parameters21 a2=1.58E+0322 E2=7900030 rem base solution parameters31 a3=1.00E-0732 E3=5663733 n2=-0.60036 rem rate=0 if no minerals and undersaturated40 SR_mineral=SR("forsterite")41 if (M<0) then goto 20042 if (M=0 and SR_mineral<1) then goto 20043 if (M0<=0) then SA=PARM(1) else SA=PARM(1)*(M/M0)^0.6750 if (SA<=0) then SA=160 R=8.3145175 Rate1=a1*EXP(-E1/R/TK)*ACT("H+")^n1 # acid rate expression80 Rate2=a2*EXP(-E2/R/TK) # neutral rate expression85 Rate3=a3*EXP(-E3/R/TK)*ACT("H+")^n2 # base rate expression90 Rate=(Rate1+Rate2 + Rate3)*(1-Sr_mineral)*SA*parm(2)100 moles= rate*Time200 save moles-endENDSOLUTION 1 units mol/LDensity 1 calculatepH 7 chargetemp 25pressure 1 Na 0.5Cl 0.5ENDKINETICS 1Forsterite -formula Mg2SiO4 1.0 -M0 0.2 -parms 3 0.1 # total surface area per kg of water (m2/kgw) and the scaling factor-steps 12 days in 60 steps -cvode trueENDINCREMENTAL_REACTIONS trueENDREACTION_PRESSURE 1 40ENDUSE SOLUTION 1REACTION_TEMPERATURE 175USE REACTION_PRESSURE 1USE KINETICS 1USER_GRAPH 1 -headings temperature Fosterite-75oC -axis_titles "Day" "mol" "mol" -chart_title "Forsterite Dissolution" -initial_solutions false -connect_simulations false -start10 GRAPH_X SIM_TIME20 GRAPH_SY 0.2 - KIN("Forsterite") -end -active trueENDUSER_GRAPH 1-active false-connect_simulations falseENDUSE SOLUTION 1REACTION_TEMPERATURE 195USE REACTION_PRESSURE 1USE KINETICS 1USER_GRAPH 1 -active true -connect_simulations false -headings temperature Fosterite-95oCEND
RATESForsterite-start1 rem unit should be mol,kgw-1 and second-12 rem parm(1) is surface area in the unit of m2/kgw3 rem calculation of surface area can be found in the note4 rem M is current moles of minerals. M0 is the initial moles of minerals5 rem parm(2) is a correction factor10 rem acid solution parameters11 a1=8.38E+0412 E1=6720613 n1=0.47020 rem neutral solution parameters21 a2=1.58E+0322 E2=7900030 rem base solution parameters31 a3=1.00E-0732 E3=5663733 n2=-0.60036 rem rate=0 if no minerals and undersaturated40 SR_mineral=SR("forsterite")41 if (M<0) then goto 20042 if (M=0 and SR_mineral<1) then goto 20043 if (M0<=0) then SA=PARM(1) else SA=PARM(1)*(M/M0)^0.6750 if (SA<=0) then SA=160 R=8.3145175 Rate1=a1*EXP(-E1/R/TK)*ACT("H+")^n1 # acid rate expression80 Rate2=a2*EXP(-E2/R/TK) # neutral rate expression85 Rate3=a3*EXP(-E3/R/TK)*ACT("H+")^n2 # base rate expression90 Rate=(Rate1+Rate2 + Rate3)*(1-Sr_mineral)*SA*parm(2)100 moles= rate*Time200 save moles-endENDSOLUTION 1units mol/LDensity 1 calculatepH 7 chargetemp 25pressure 1 Na 0.5Cl 0.5ENDKINETICS 1Forsterite -formula Mg2SiO4 1.0 -M0 0.2 -parms 3 0.1 # total surface area per kg of water (m2/kgw) and the scaling factor-steps 0 60*0.2 -cvode trueENDINCREMENTAL_REACTIONS trueENDREACTION_PRESSURE 140ENDUSE SOLUTION 1REACTION_TEMPERATURE 175USE REACTION_PRESSURE 1USE KINETICS 1USER_GRAPH 1 -headings temperature Fosterite-75oC -axis_titles "Day" "mol" "mol" -chart_title "Forsterite Dissolution" -initial_solutions false -connect_simulations false -start10 GRAPH_X SIM_TIME20 GRAPH_SY 0.2 - KIN("Forsterite") -end -active trueENDUSER_GRAPH 1-active false-connect_simulations falseENDUSE SOLUTION 1REACTION_TEMPERATURE 195USE REACTION_PRESSURE 1USE KINETICS 1USER_GRAPH 1 -active true -connect_simulations false -headings temperature Fosterite-95oCEND
#DATABASE C:\phreeqc\database\core10.datRATESForsterite-start1 rem unit should be mol,kgw-1 and second-12 rem parm(1) is surface area in the unit of m2/kgw3 rem calculation of surface area can be found in the note4 rem M is current moles of minerals. M0 is the initial moles of minerals5 rem parm(2) is a correction factor10 rem acid solution parameters11 a1=8.38E+0412 E1=6720613 n1=0.47020 rem neutral solution parameters21 a2=1.58E+0322 E2=7900030 rem base solution parameters31 a3=1.00E-0732 E3=5663733 n2=-0.60036 rem rate=0 if no minerals and undersaturated40 SR_mineral=SR("forsterite")41 if (M<0) then goto 20042 if (M=0 and SR_mineral<1) then goto 20043 if (M0<=0) then SA=PARM(1) else SA=PARM(1)*(M/M0)^0.6750 if (SA<=0) then SA=160 R=8.3145175 Rate1=a1*EXP(-E1/R/TK)*ACT("H+")^n1 # acid rate expression80 Rate2=a2*EXP(-E2/R/TK) # neutral rate expression85 Rate3=a3*EXP(-E3/R/TK)*ACT("H+")^n2 # base rate expression90 Rate=(Rate1+Rate2 + Rate3)*(1-Sr_mineral)*SA*parm(2)100 moles= rate*Time200 save moles-endENDSOLUTION 1units mol/LDensity 1 calculatepH 7 chargetemp 25pressure 1 Na 0.5Cl 0.5ENDKINETICS 1Forsterite -formula Mg2SiO4 1.0 -M0 0.2 -parms 3 0.1 # total surface area per kg of water (m2/kgw) and the scaling factor-steps 0 2*0.2 #60*0.2 -cvode trueENDINCREMENTAL_REACTIONS trueENDREACTION_PRESSURE 140ENDUSE SOLUTION 1REACTION_TEMPERATURE 175USE REACTION_PRESSURE 1USE KINETICS 1USER_PRINT10 PRINT "Total time: ", TOTAL_TIMEUSER_GRAPH 1 -headings temperature Fosterite-75oC -axis_titles "Day" "mol" "mol" -chart_title "Forsterite Dissolution" -initial_solutions false -connect_simulations false -start10 GRAPH_X TOTAL_TIME20 GRAPH_SY 0.2 - KIN("Forsterite") -end -active trueENDUSER_GRAPH 1-active false-connect_simulations falseENDUSE SOLUTION 1REACTION_TEMPERATURE 195USE REACTION_PRESSURE 1USE KINETICS 1USER_GRAPH 1 -active true -connect_simulations false -headings temperature Fosterite-95oCEND
RATESForsterite-start1 rem unit should be mol,kgw-1 and second-12 rem parm(1) is surface area in the unit of m2/kgw3 rem calculation of surface area can be found in the note4 rem M is current moles of minerals. M0 is the initial moles of minerals5 rem parm(2) is a correction factor10 rem acid solution parameters11 a1=8.38E+0412 E1=6720613 n1=0.47020 rem neutral solution parameters21 a2=1.58E+0322 E2=7900030 rem base solution parameters31 a3=1.00E-0732 E3=5663733 n2=-0.60036 rem rate=0 if no minerals and undersaturated40 SR_mineral=SR("forsterite")41 if (M<0) then goto 20042 if (M=0 and SR_mineral<1) then goto 20043 if (M0<=0) then SA=PARM(1) else SA=PARM(1)*(M/M0)^0.6750 if (SA<=0) then SA=160 R=8.3145175 Rate1=a1*EXP(-E1/R/TK)*ACT("H+")^n1 # acid rate expression80 Rate2=a2*EXP(-E2/R/TK) # neutral rate expression85 Rate3=a3*EXP(-E3/R/TK)*ACT("H+")^n2 # base rate expression90 Rate=(Rate1+Rate2 + Rate3)*(1-Sr_mineral)*SA*parm(2)100 moles= rate*Time200 save moles-endENDSOLUTION 1units mol/LDensity 1 calculatepH 7 chargetemp 25pressure 1 Na 0.5Cl 0.5ENDKINETICS 2Forsterite -formula Mg2SiO4 1.0 -M0 0.2 -parms 3 0.1 # total surface area per kg of water (m2/kgw) and the scaling factor-steps 0 60*0.2 -cvode trueENDINCREMENTAL_REACTIONS trueENDCOPY kinetics 2 1ENDREACTION_PRESSURE 140END# initialize kinetics 1COPY kinetics 2 1ENDUSE SOLUTION 1REACTION_TEMPERATURE 175USE REACTION_PRESSURE 1USE KINETICS 1USER_GRAPH 1 -headings temperature Fosterite-75oC -axis_titles "Day" "mol" "mol" -chart_title "Forsterite Dissolution" -initial_solutions false -connect_simulations false -start10 GRAPH_X TOTAL_TIME20 GRAPH_SY 0.2 - KIN("Forsterite") -end -active trueENDUSER_GRAPH 1-active false-connect_simulations falseEND# re-initialize kinetics 1COPY kinetics 2 1ENDUSE SOLUTION 1REACTION_TEMPERATURE 195USE REACTION_PRESSURE 1USE KINETICS 1USER_GRAPH 1 -active true -connect_simulations false -headings temperature Fosterite-95oCEND