TITLE Geochemical Modelling of CO2-brine-Rock (Sample CS-1)# initial solution (brine)SOLUTION 1 NaCl brine @70g/L temp 60 pH 6.65 pe 4 redox pe units mol/l density 1.043 Cl 1.19 # NB. moles = mass/Mol mass Na 1.19 -water 1 # kg# Supercritical CO2 injectionEQUILIBRIUM_PHASES 1 CO2(g) 0 10 # Potential ionic exchange during CO2 dissolutionEXCHANGE 1 X 1.0 equilibrate with solution 1MIX 1 1 1.0USE solution 1REACTION_PRESSURE 1 109 # Experiment conducted at 1600psi = 108.87atmREACTION_TEMPERATURE 60 # C# Initial mineralogical composition based on XRD results. (%concentration)EQUILIBRIUM_PHASES 2 Dolomite 0 0.029 Hematite 0 0.019 Illite 0 0.0311 Kaolinite 0 0.065 Quartz 0 0.8222 Siderite 0 0.017# Transport propertiesTRANSPORT -shifts 20 -lengths 0.0781 -dispersivities 0.0381 -diffusion_coefficient 1e-09 -thermal_diffusion 2 1e-09REACTION 1 CO2(g) 2 0.03 moles in 120 stepsUSE equilibrium_phases 2# Output optionsSELECTED_OUTPUT -file output.txt -high_precision true -state true -totals Fe Na Cl Al Ca K Si Mg -saturation_indices true Halite CO2(g) Dolomite Hematite Illite Siderite# Output porosity and mineral volumes left post dissolutionUSER_PUNCH -headings Time Porosity pH Quartz Kaolinite Illite Dolomite Hematite Siderite -start10 PUNCH TIME, 0.21, -LA("H+"), EQUI("Quartz"), EQUI("Kaolinite"), EQUI("Illite"), EQUI("Dolomite"), EQUI("Hematite"), EQUI("Siderite") -endEND"
REACTIONHCl 10.1 mol
REACTIONHAcetate 10.1 mole
SOLUTION_MASTER_SPECIES CH3COOH CH3COOH # adding acetic acidSOLUTION_SPECIES CH3COOH = CH3COO- + H+ # This species was obtained from the core10.dat database -log_k -4.7572 -gamma 4.5 -analytical_expression -0.96597e2 -0.34535e-1 0.19753e4 0.38593e2 0.30850e2######## Below are the error messages I got ###########ERROR: Expected alkalinity for master species in master species input.ERROR: Elements in species have not been tabulated, CH3COOH.ERROR: Reaction for species has not been defined, CH3COOH.ERROR: Calculations terminating due to input errors.
ERROR: Phase not found in database, Illite.ERROR: Master species not in database for X, skipping element.ERROR: Calculations terminating due to input errors.