Beginners > PHREEQC basics

Will excessive reaction steps cause the model to crash?


Hi,I am a beginner using phreeqc.
When I set a series of temperature changes to the solution in the format of "a to b in n steps", I found that when n was too large (such as 100), the output interface would lose its response and the entire software would shut down after a few seconds. But there were no errors, and both the graphs and files could be exported normally. If I reduce n (such as 5), everything is fine.
I tried reinstalling phreeqc, but the problem still persists.
I want to know if there is a way to solve this problem?I would greatly appreciate it if you could provide assistance.

Normally, 100 steps should not be a problem. You can post your file, and I will see if there is anything unusual.

Thanks a lot for your reply!
I guessed if it was a problem with my computer, but I borrowed a friend's computer and the same problem occurred:(

--- Code: ---SOLUTION 1

    0 100 in 100 steps

    -file                 D:\phreeqc\a3q1_test.txt
    -reset                false
    -temperature          true
--- End code ---

Using the GUI IPhreeqc, that calculation took less than 0.2 seconds when using the database phreeqc.dat. Except for some KINETICS calculations, 100 batch reactions should be fast.

Either reading or writing files is slow, or there is some problem with your computer(s). You can try the following, which would minimize writing to files.

--- Code: ---SOLUTION 1

    0 100 in 100 steps
-reset false

--- End code ---


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