Resources > Training courses

Reactive transport course (Phreeqac/openfoam) in Bordeaux, May 2024


for the one who are interested, we are happy to announce that we will hold a course on reactive transport in Bordeaux :
we organize a short course for professionnals, academics and students on reactive transport modelling with new topics like CO2 and Hydrogen injection, or PFAs contamination. The course will be held at ENSEGID in Bordeaux from may 13 to 17th taught By Olivier Atteia (IPB), Henning Prommer (CSIRO, AUS), Laurent Andr? (BRGM), Nicolas Devau (BRGM) and Beatriz Coral (NUMINEO). The course is mainly dedicated to practise on free softwares (PHREEQC OpenFOAM), and the participants will thus be able to get all softwares and examples to further practise by their own. It is also possible to come with your own case study.

All information can be found here

Do not hesitate ask any question if needed

Hello everyone,

Is it possible to get recorded videos of this course?

Thanks in advance



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