TITLE Example 11SOLUTION 1000 CaCl2 units mmol/kgw temp 25.0 pH 7.0 charge pe 12.5 O2(g) -0.68 Ca 0.6 Cl 1.2ENDSOLUTION 1001 MgCl2 units mmol/kgw temp 25.0 pH 7.0 charge pe 12.5 O2(g) -0.68 Ca Mg Cl 1.2ENDSOLUTION 1-40 Initial solution for column units mmol/kgw temp 25.0 pH 7.0 charge pe 12.5 O2(g) -0.68 Na 1.0 K 0.2 N(5) 1.2ENDEXCHANGE 1-40 -equilibrate 1 X 0.0011ENDCOPY SOLUTION 1000 0ENDTRANSPORT -cells 40 -lengths 0.002 -shifts 100 -time_step 720.0 -flow_direction forward -boundary_conditions flux flux -diffusion_coefficient 0.0 -dispersivities 0.002 -correct_disp true -punch_cells 40 -punch_frequency 1 -print_cells 40 -print_frequency 20 -dump myfile.dmp -dump_frequency 100 # dump_modulusDUMP-cells 1-40-allUSER_GRAPH 1 -chart_title "" -headings Cl Na K Ca -axis_titles "Pore volumes" "Millimoles per kilogram water" -plot_concentration_vs time -start 10 GRAPH_x (STEP_NO + 0.5) / cell_no 20 GRAPH_Y TOT("Cl")*1000, TOT("Na")*1000, TOT("K") *1000, TOT("Ca")*1000 -endENDUSER_GRAPH 1-detachCOPY SOLUTION 1001 0INCLUDE$ myfile.dmpTRANSPORT -cells 40 -lengths 0.002 -shifts 100 -time_step 720.0 -flow_direction forward -boundary_conditions flux flux -diffusion_coefficient 0.0 -dispersivities 0.002 -correct_disp true -punch_cells 40 -punch_frequency 1 -print_cells 40 -print_frequency 20 -dump_restart 100 # Starting shift number for the calculations, if restarting from a dump file. It equals the shift number at which the dump file was created.USER_GRAPH 2 -chart_title "" -headings Cl Na K Ca -axis_titles "Pore volumes" "Millimoles per kilogram water" -plot_concentration_vs time -start 10 GRAPH_x (STEP_NO + 0.5) / cell_no 20 GRAPH_Y TOT("Cl")*1000, TOT("Na")*1000, TOT("K") *1000, TOT("Ca")*1000 -end END
TITLE Example 11SOLUTION 1000 CaCl2 units mmol/kgw temp 25.0 pH 7.0 charge pe 12.5 O2(g) -0.68 Ca 0.6 Cl 1.2ENDSOLUTION 1001 MgCl2 units mmol/kgw temp 25.0 pH 7.0 charge pe 12.5 O2(g) -0.68 Mg 0.6 Cl 1.2ENDSOLUTION 1-40 Initial solution for column units mmol/kgw temp 25.0 pH 7.0 charge pe 12.5 O2(g) -0.68 Na 1.0 K 0.2 N(5) 1.2ENDEXCHANGE 1-40 -equilibrate 1 X 0.0011ENDCOPY SOLUTION 1000 0ENDTRANSPORT -cells 40 -lengths 0.002 -shifts 100 -time_step 720.0 -flow_direction forward -boundary_conditions flux flux -diffusion_coefficient 0.0 -dispersivities 0.002 -correct_disp true -punch_cells 40 -punch_frequency 1 -print_cells 40 -print_frequency 20 -dump myfile.dmp -dump_frequency 100 # dump_modulusUSER_GRAPH 1 -chart_title "" -headings time Cl Na K Ca Mg -axis_titles "Pore volumes" "Millimoles per kilogram water" -plot_concentration_vs time -start #10 GRAPH_x (STEP_NO + 0.5) / cell_no 10 GRAPH_X TOTAL_TIME / (720*40) 20 GRAPH_Y TOT("Cl")*1000, TOT("Na")*1000, TOT("K") *1000, TOT("Ca")*1000, TOT("Mg")*1000 -endENDCOPY SOLUTION 1001 0ENDTRANSPORTEND