Processes > Oxidation and reduction equilibria

Simulation of Incubations


I want to simulate the following incubation:

60 mL of slurry was amended with 1 mL of 10.8 M NaS2. The slurry and all the experiments were conducted under anoxic conditions.

Slurry was prepared with marine sediments and water.

The experiment lasted 8 hours

What is it you want to simulate? Precipitation of minerals? Oxidation/reduction? Ion exchange? Surface complexation?

Start by defining a SOLUTION.

I aim to simulate mineral precipitation and potentially mineral dissolution, pending sediment composition data. Additionally, I seek to understand the REDOX changes occurring in the solution.

To provide more context, I am conducting incubations of marine sediments and anoxic seawater at a depth of 700 meters. I initially prepared a slurry within a glovebox environment with less than 1% oxygen, which was then transferred into penicillin bottles (60 mL in 100 mL bottles). Subsequently, I selected three bottles for analysis at time 0 or as blank samples. These were then spiked with various substances such as spirulina, lactic acid, sodium sulfide, molybdate, among others. My objective is to investigate the impact of highly reactive iron on the sulfur cycle, particularly the cryptic sulfur cycle.

The motivation for this simulation stems from unexpected findings in the killed-control samples. I have observed higher oxidation rates and aim to clarify this phenomenon, hypothesizing that it may be linked to changes in temperature and pressure. There is an autoxidation phenomenon reported in some metallurgical processes.



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