####Average velocity of 153.96 cm/day 50IR Column####SOLUTION 0 units mmol/kgw pH 7.0 Cr(6) 0.385SOLUTION 1-50 units mmol/kgw pH 7.0 Na 10. Cl 10.TRANSPORT -cells 50 -length 3e-3 #0.3 cm -shifts 855 #24 hours of simulation -time_step 101 #seconds -flow_direction forward -boundary_condition flux flux -dispersivity 0.14 -correct_disp true -diffusion_coef 0.0e-25 -punch_cells 50 -punch_frequency 1 -print_cells 50 -print_frequency 1SELECTED_OUTPUT -file Transport.sel -reset true -totals Na Cl Cr(6)END
####Average velocity of 153.96 cm/day 50IR Column####SOLUTION 0 units mmol/kgw pH 7.0 Cr(6) 0.385SOLUTION 1-50 units mmol/kgw pH 7.0 Na 10. Cl 10.TRANSPORT -cells 15 -length 0.01 # 3e-3 #0.3 cm -shifts 154 #24 hours of simulation -time_step 561.2 #seconds -flow_direction forward -boundary_condition flux flux -dispersivity 0.0014 #0.14 -correct_disp true -diffusion_coef 0.0e-25 -punch_cells 15 -punch_frequency 1 -print_cells 15 -print_frequency 1END