# Example 3. Equilibrate by changing an initial concentrationSOLUTION 3 Ca 3.0 Calcite # adapt Ca to equilibrium with calcite Alkalinity 4.0 S(6) 1.0 F 0.1 Fluorite -1.0 # adapt F to SI = -1.0 for fluoriteEND
SELECTED_OUTPUT-reset false-user_punch true-charge_balance true-pH true-pe false-water true-totals Ca Mg Na S(6) Cl K-equilibrium_phases Halite Gypsum Glauberite Bloedite-saturation_indices Halite Gypsum Glauberite BloediteUSER_PUNCHHeadings Ca(g/L) Cl(g/L) K(g/L) Mg(g/L) Na(g/L) S(6)(g/L) Density water_total-start60 Punch tot("Ca") * 40,07870 Punch tot("Cl") * 35.45380 Punch tot("k")* 39.098390 Punch tot("Mg") * 24,305100 Punch tot("Na") * 22.9897110 Punch tot("S(6)")* 96.06120 Punch RHO130 Punch TOT("water")EQUILIBRIUM_PHASES 1 Bloedite 0 3.99 dissolve_only Halite 0 0.62 dissolve_only Gypsum 0 17 precipitate_only Glauberite 0 7.3 dissolve_onlySOLUTION 1units g/ltemp 22pH 7foot 4redox pedensity 1.23S(6) 167.29Cl 51.56821635Mg 6.53at 97.63281722K 4.905Ca 0.56water 0.92RATESadd_water10 SR_Bloedite =SR("Bloedite")20 SR_Glauberite=SR("Glauberite")30 if (SR_Glauberite=1 or SR_Bloedite=1) then goto 20040 k = 1.5/86400# 1.5 per day20 rate = k * (TOT("water") * 1000) / GFW("H2O")30 moles = rate * TIME200 SAVE molesKINETICS 1add_water-formula H2O 1-m 0-tol 1e-10-steps 3600 days in 120 steps USER_GRAPH 1 -headings frac Glauberite Gypsum Halite Bloedite -axis_titles "Concentration factor" "dissolved, log10(moles)" #"H2O add, moles" -axis_scale x_axis auto auto auto auto log -axis_scale sy_axis 53 56 auto auto -initial_solutions false -connect_simulations true -plot_concentration_vs x -start 10 GRAPH_X 1 / TOT("water") 30 GRAPH_Y LOG10( EQUI("Glauberite") ) 50 GRAPH_Y LOG10( EQUI("Gypsum") ) 60 GRAPH_Y LOG10( EQUI("Halite") ) 70 GRAPH_Y LOG10( EQUI("Bloedite") ) 80 GRAPH_SY KIN("add_water") -endEND
RATES add_water10 Bloedite=EQUI("Bloedite")20 Glauberite=EQUI("Glauberite")30 if (Glauberite=0 and Bloedite=0) then goto 20040 k = 1.5/86400 # 1.5 per day20 rate = k * (TOT("water") * 1000) / GFW("H2O")30 moles = rate * TIME200 SAVE molesINCREMENTAL_REACTIONSKINETICS 1add_water-formula H2O 1-m 1-tol 1e-10-steps 3600 days in 120 steps
# Example 3. Equilibrate by changing an initial concentrationSOLUTION 3 Ca 3.0 Calcite # adapt Ca to equilibrium with calcite Alkalinity 4.0 S(6) 1.0 F 0.1 Fluorite -1.0 # adapt F to SI = -1.0 for fluoriteENDUSE solution 3EQUILIBRIUM_PHASES 1 Bloedite 0 3.99 dissolve_only Halite 0 0.62 dissolve_only Gypsum 0 17 precipitate_only Glauberite 0 H2O 100 #7.3 dissolve_only
# Example 3. Equilibrate by changing an initial concentrationSOLUTION 0SOLUTION 1 Ca 3.0 Calcite # adapt Ca to equilibrium with calcite Alkalinity 4.0 S(6) 1.0 F 0.1 Fluorite -1.0 # adapt F to SI = -1.0 for fluoriteENDUSE solution 1EQUILIBRIUM_PHASES 1 Bloedite 0 3.99 dissolve_only Halite 0 0.62 dissolve_only Gypsum 0 17 #dissolve_only Glauberite 0 7.3 dissolve_onlyREACTIONH2O 150 moles in 100USER_GRAPH -headings step Bloedite Halite Gypsum Glauberite -axis_titles "Water added, moles" "Moles" "" -initial_solutions false -connect_simulations true -plot_concentration_vs x -start10 GRAPH_X RXN20 GRAPH_Y EQUI("Bloedite"), EQUI("Halite"), EQUI("Gypsum"), EQUI("Glauberite") -end
SELECTED_OUTPUT-reset false-user_punch true-charge_balance true-pH true-pe false-water true-totals Ca Mg Na S(6) Cl K-equilibrium_phases Halite Gypsum Glauberite Bloedite-saturation_indices Halite Gypsum Glauberite BloediteUSER_PUNCHHeadings Ca(g/L) Cl(g/L) K(g/L) Mg(g/L) Na(g/L) S(6)(g/L) Density water_total-start60 Punch tot("Ca") * 40.07870 Punch tot("Cl") * 35.45380 Punch tot("k")* 39.098390 Punch tot("Mg") * 24.305100 Punch tot("Na") * 22.9897110 Punch tot("S(6)")* 96.06120 Punch RHO130 Punch TOT("water")SOLUTION 1units g/ltemp 22pH 7pe 4redox pedensity 1.23 calculateS(6) 167.29Cl 51.56821635 Mg 6.53Na 97.63281722K 4.905 chargeCa 0.56water 0.92RATES add_water10 Bloedite=EQUI("Bloedite")20 Glauberite=EQUI("Glauberite")30 if (Glauberite=0 and Bloedite=0) then goto 20040 k = 1.5/86400 # 1.5 per day50 rate = k * (TOT("water") * 1000) / GFW("H2O")60 moles = rate * TIME200 SAVE molesINCREMENTAL_REACTIONSKINETICS add_water-formula H2O 1-m0 0.92-tol 1e-10#-steps 100*0.25 days-steps 3600 days in 120 stepsEQUILIBRIUM_PHASES 1 Bloedite 0 3.99 Halite 0 0.62 Gypsum 0 17 Glauberite 0 7.3 USER_GRAPH 1 -headings water Glauberite Gypsum Halite Bloedite add_water -axis_titles "Water" "dissolved, log10(moles)" "H2O add, moles" #-axis_scale x_axis auto auto auto auto log #-axis_scale sy_axis auto auto auto auto -initial_solutions false -connect_simulations true -plot_concentration_vs x -start 10 GRAPH_X TOT("water") 30 GRAPH_Y EQUI("Glauberite") 50 GRAPH_Y EQUI("Gypsum") 60 GRAPH_Y EQUI("Halite") 70 GRAPH_Y EQUI("Bloedite") 80 GRAPH_SY KIN("add_water") -endEND
# Example 3. Equilibrate by changing an initial concentrationSOLUTION 0SOLUTION 1 Ca 3.0 Calcite # adapt Ca to equilibrium with calcite Alkalinity 4.0 S(6) 1.0 F 0.1 Fluorite -1.0 # adapt F to SI = -1.0 for fluoriteENDUSE solution 1EQUILIBRIUM_PHASES 1EQUILIBRIUM_PHASES 1 Bloedite 0 3.99 Halite 0 0.62 Gypsum 0 17 Glauberite 0 7.3 REACTIONH2O 1300 moles in 100USER_GRAPH -headings step Bloedite Halite Gypsum Glauberite -axis_titles "Water added, moles" "Moles" "" -initial_solutions false -connect_simulations true -plot_concentration_vs x -start10 GRAPH_X RXN20 GRAPH_Y EQUI("Bloedite"), EQUI("Halite"), EQUI("Gypsum"), EQUI("Glauberite") -end -active true
SELECTED_OUTPUT-reset false-user_punch true-charge_balance true-step true-time true-pH true-pe false-water true-totals Ca Mg Na S(6) Cl K-equilibrium_phases Halite Gypsum Glauberite Bloedite-saturation_indices Halite Gypsum Glauberite BloediteUSER_PUNCHHeadings Ca(g/L) Cl(g/L) K(g/L) Mg(g/L) Na(g/L) S(6)(g/L) Density water_total Equi_glau Equi_bloe Kin_wat-start60 Punch tot("Ca") * 40.07870 Punch tot("Cl") * 35.45380 Punch tot("k")* 39.098390 Punch tot("Mg") * 24.305100 Punch tot("Na") * 22.9897110 Punch tot("S(6)")* 96.06120 Punch RHO130 Punch TOT("water")140 Punch EQUI("Glauberite")150 Punch EQUI("Bloedite")160 Punch KIN("add_water")SOLUTION 1units g/ltemp 22pH 7pe 4redox pedensity 1.23 calculateS(6) 167.29Cl 51.56821635Mg 6.53Na 97.63281722 K 4.905 chargeCa 0.56water 0.92EQUILIBRIUM_PHASES 1 Bloedite 0 3.99 diss Halite 0 0.62 diss Gypsum 0 17 pre Glauberite 0 7.3 dissRATES add_water#10 Bloedite=EQUI("Bloedite")20 Glauberite=EQUI("Glauberite")30 if Glauberite=0.00 then goto 20040 k = 1.5/86400 # 0.1 per day50 rate = k * (TOT("water") * 1000) / GFW("H2O")60 moles = rate * TIME200 SAVE molesINCREMENTAL_REACTIONSKINETICS add_water-formula H2O 1-m0 0.92-tol 1e-10-steps 3600 days in 120 steps
RATES add_water-start 10 Bloedite=EQUI("Bloedite") 20 Glauberite=EQUI("Glauberite") 40 k = 100/86400 50 rate = k * (Bloedite+Glauberite) 60 moles = rate * TIME200 SAVE moles-endENDSOLUTION 1 temp 22 pH 7 pe 4 units g/l density 1.23 calculate Ca 0.56 Cl 51.56821635 K 4.905 charge Mg 6.53 Na 97.63281722 S(6) 167.29 -water 0.92 # kgENDEQUILIBRIUM_PHASES 1 Bloedite 0 3.99 #diss Halite 0 0.62 #diss Gypsum 0 17 #pre Glauberite 0 7.3 # dissENDKINETICS 1add_water -formula H2O 1 -m 1000 -m0 1000 -tol 1e-08-steps 345600 in 40 steps # seconds-cvode true ENDINCREMENTAL_REACTIONSUSE solution 1USE equilibrium_phases 1USE kinetics 1USER_GRAPH -headings step Bloedite Halite Gypsum Glauberite Volume -axis_titles "Days" "Moles" "Solution volume" -initial_solutions false -connect_simulations true -plot_concentration_vs x -start10 GRAPH_X TOTAL_TIME/8640020 GRAPH_Y EQUI("Bloedite"), EQUI("Halite"), EQUI("Gypsum"), EQUI("Glauberite")30 GRAPH_SY SOLN_VOL -end