How to save a solution after evaporation
Hi all,
New to this site, and I am an occasional PHREEQC user. I have a pit lake that I am modeling, and I have various processes/inputs/outputs. I have done this exercise before, but it is fairly time consuming because I need to input new concentrations for a solution at several steps.
My question is: I have a starting groundwater solution, I apply evaporation to it (i.e., remove a certain fraction of the water). I want to save that resulting solution composition, but if I say "Save solution X" and then i try to mix solution X with say some precipitation with a different chemistry, solution X has the same starting composition as my original groundwater.
Is there a way to accomplish this?
Thank you
I would have to see you script, but you can definitely save the MIXed solution for use in subsequent calculations.
Here REACTION, with no reactants, is used to show the SAVEd composition of solution 3.
--- Code: ---SOLUTION 1
Na 1
Cl 1
1 0.5
2 0.5
SAVE solution 3
USE solution 3
--- End code ---
Thanks for the quick reply - I am using PHREEQC Interactive so I'll see if I can get the script on here ok:
temp 25
pH 7.9
pe 4
redox pe
units mg/l
density 1
Ag 0.001
Al 0.1
Alkalinity 111 gfw 50.4
As 0.027
B 0.202
Ba 0.00492
Be 0.001
Ca 20.9
Cd 0.001
Cl 21.8
Cr 0.002
Cu 0.002
K 2.38
Mg 3.41
Mn 0.0088
N(-3) 0 as NH4
N(5) 1.03
Na 57.1
Ni 0.001
Pb 0.001
S(6) 34.2 as SO4
Sb 0.001
Se 0.001
Si 41.8 as SiO2
Tl 0.001
U 0.00879
Zn 0.031
F 0.41
Fe 0.1
water 1 # kg
H2O -1
12.12 moles in 1 steps
SAVE solution 2
When I start a new Simulation (i.e. to add rain)
TITLE Add Precip 1 to PL1e = PL1p
SOLUTION 3 Precipitation
temp 25
pH 7.9
pe 4
redox pe
units mg/l
density 1
Ag 0
Al 0
Alkalinity 0.5 gfw 50.4
As 0
B 0
Ba 0
Be 0
Ca 0.11
Cd 0
Cl 0.15
Cr 0
Cu 0
K 0
Mg 0.025
Mn 0
N(-3) 0.175 as NH4
N(5) 0.09
Na 0.088
Ni 0
Pb 0
S(6) 0.2 gfw 96.0625
Sb 0
Se 0
Si 0 as SiO2
Tl 0
U 0
Zn 0
-water 1 # kg
2 0.961
3 0.039
-file PL1p.out
-totals Ag Al Alkalinity As B Ba Be
Ca Cd Cl Cr Cu F Fe
Fe(2) Fe(3) K Mg Mn N N(-3)
N(5) Na Ni Pb S(6) Sb Se
Tl U Zn Si
SAVE solution 5
When I go to the dropdown menu for which solutions to react, there is no "2" so I add it myself.
If I take the output from the first reaction (evaporation) and manually enter that as solution 4, I substitute that in the above mix reaction for the "2" i get different results.
So not sure what I am doing wrong.
Put an END statement after SAVE solution 2.
The END statements mean do the simulation and any saves, copies, etc. If you have no END statements to separate the calculations, the default rules about what gets reacted can be confusing. Ideally, define each piece individually, followed by an END. Then use MIX or USE to bring together the pieces that you want to react (and SAVE).
Thanks! That makes sense.
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