Beginners > Installation questions
Introducing PhreeqcRM as an external library to CMake
Sara Tabrizi:
I am trying to compile Phreeqcrm as an external library in a C++ environment which is configured using CMake. Although the process was straightforward by adding the library (-l) and the library path (-L) to the Makefile, it seems to be not clear to me in this environment since the external dependencies are configured using the find_package mechanism. My question is that what are the requirements to introduce phreeqcrm to CMake? I have read about adding an external package to Cmake and I have tried to use the command: -D<Package>_DIR=<path/to/package/config> for the CMake in our make file. For <Package> I used: phreeqcrm and for <path/to/package/config> I used the location of the configuration file of PhreeqcRM. After compilation of make file, for compiling the code, I still receive the error that phreeqcrm is not defined. I really appreciate if you could give me some advice about the way I am introducing phreeqcrm to CMake, that would be a big help.
Best regards,
Sara Tabrizinejadas
Hi Sara,
It's a little complicated to explain, so let me create an example for you.
I'll let you know when it's done.
Scott Charlton
Hi Sara,
Could you please let me know which operating system you are using?
Sara Tabrizi:
Hi Dear Dr.Charlton,
I am using Linux. Thank you so much for the example.
Best regards,
Hi Sara,
I have created a github repository to demonstrate using phreeqcrm with cmake here:
Let us know if you have any questions.
I also added Modern CMake (using find_package) Instructions on the modern branch:
That uses our latest version of phreeqcrm at: (commit 8c960d4 or newer)
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