# Definition of the solution and equilibriaSOLUTION 1 pH 7 pe 4 temp 25 H+ 10^(-7) -water 1 # kgENDEQUILIBRIUM_PHASES 1 H2(g) 0.1END# Definition of the pressure rangeUSER_PUNCH -headings Pressure (bar) Hydrogen (mol/kgw) -start P = 10 DP = 10 NP = 10 -loop -pressure P SELECTED_OUTPUT -reset false -solution 1 -high_precision true -punch TOT("H2(g)")/1e-3 # mol/L to mol/kgw END P = P + DP -endEND# Plotting of the results using user_graphUSER_GRAPH -headings Pressure (bar) Hydrogen (mol/kgw) -chart_title "Solubility of Hydrogen in Water as a Function of Pressure" -axis_titles "Pressure (bar)", "Hydrogen Concentration (mol/kgw)" -plot_concentration_vs x -start 10 3.1623e-08 20 6.3246e-08 30 9.4869e-08 40 1.2649e-07 50 1.5811e-07 60 1.8974e-07 70 2.2136e-07 80 2.5299e-07 90 2.8461e-07 100 3.1623e-07 -endEND
SOLUTION 1 temp 25 pH 7 units mol/kgw Cl 1 Na 1GAS_PHASE 1 -fixed_pressure -pressure 1 -volume 10 -temperature 25 Hdg(g) 1REACTION_PRESSURE10 100 in 10USER_GRAPH 2 -headings Pressure Mol(Hdg) Gas_molar_volume -chart_title "Solubility of Hydrogen in Water as a Function of Pressure" -axis_titles "Pressure, atm", "Hdg(aq), mol/kgw" "Gas molar volume, L/mol" -plot_concentration_vs x -start10 GRAPH_X PRESSURE20 GRAPH_Y MOL("Hdg") 30 GRAPH_SY GAS_VM -endEND