SOLUTION 1 Geothermal Well temp 180 pH 5.6 pe 4 redox pe units mg/l density 1 C(4) 135 Ca 2920 Cl 34560 Mg 122 Na 17250 S(6) 206.6 K 1815 F 4.22 B 25.2 Si 195 Li 21.6 Fe 5.49 water 1 # kg pressure 50 atm #Reservoir pressureENDGAS_PHASE-fixed_pressureCO2(g) 0ENDUSE solution 1USE gas_phase 1EQUILIBRIUM_PHASESCalcite 0 0REACTION_TEMPERATURE180 25 in 10REACTION_PRESSURE50 2 in 10USER_GRAPH 1 -headings depth Calcite Temp Pressure -axis_titles "Depth" "Calcite moles" "T and P" -initial_solutions false -connect_simulations true -plot_concentration_vs x -start 5 depth = - (TC - 25)/(180 - 25) * 58010 GRAPH_X depth20 GRAPH_Y EQUI("Calcite")30 GRAPH_SY TC, PRESSURE -end -active trueEND
SOLUTION 1 Geothermal Well temp 180 pH 5.6 pe 4 redox pe units mg/l density 1 C(4) 135 Ca 2920 Cl 34560 Mg 122 Na 17250 S(6) 206.6 K 1815 F 4.22 B 25.2 Si 195 Li 21.6 Fe 5.49 water 1 # kg pressure 50 atm #Reservoir pressureENDUSE solution 1EQUILIBRIUM_PHASESCalcite 0 0USER_PRINT10 PRINT "Moles of calcite per liter fm water: ", EQUI("Calcite")20 PRINT "Molar volume calcite, cm^3/mol: ", PHASE_VM("Calcite")30 PRINT "Volume of calcite per liter fm water, cm^3: ", EQUI("Calcite")*PHASE_VM("Calcite")END