Beginners > Installation questions

installation on Mac OS > 10.12

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Hi all,

The last thread I found on Mac installation woes is from 2020 and references Catalina: Topic: "PhreeqcRM: Testsuite Fail".  The text file attachment (and instructions on how to implement it) at the end of that thread is no longer accessible--at least, I get a 404 Attachment not Found when I click on the link.  I'm running a new MacBook Pro with the Apple M1 chip and Mac OS Monterey 12.6.1, so that Catalina-specific solution may not even work for me, but I figured it was worth a try.

To those ends, any suggestions (other than get Parallels) or tips for installing PHREEQC on my Mac?  Or am I just out of luck?


I can't help you much with the Mac version. The interactive version PhreeqcI will not run on the Mac. Only the batch version is available at It says the version should work on 10.12, and there are some directions in a README file

Ok, understood, thanks.

I attempted to install and run the batch version for Mac, to no avail.  I suspect the fact that I'm on OS 12.6 (and potentially the fact that my computer uses the M1 chip) is to blame.  Figured it was worth a shot to ask, as PHREEQC was what I first learned back when I was a postdoc.  I appreciate your quick reply -- I can start to look into other options.

MacPHREEQC is available at
It is currently beta, but has been tested on macOS 11, 12, and 13. It will take advantage of the Apple Silicon (M1, M2, etc) processors.

Brian Marshall
USGS and Visions of Quality

Downloaded Brian Marshall's Mac version of PHREEQC.  Installed on MacBook Pro using M2 processor.  Works well (just 3 test runs).  I am using Ventura 13.5.  Gave the app full disk access under the Privacy & Security.


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