SOLUTION 1 temp 25 pH 5.6 units mg/L Ca 2920 Mg 122 Na 17250 K 1745 Cl 34560 Alkalinity 110.659 as HCO3 S(6) 136 as SO4 #also 83.3 S measured Si 195 as SiO2 #between 160-200 Ba 6.23 #6.01 Sr 136 Li 21.6 #Fe 5.49 #added LWENDUSE SOLUTION 1EQUILIBRIUM_PHASES 1Gypsum 0 0Quartz 0 0SiO2(a) 0 0Calcite 0 0Dolomite 0 0Chalcedony 0 0Halite 0 0Anhydrite 0 0Magnesite 0 0Diopside 0 0Celestite 0 0#Talc 0 0REACTION_TEMPERATURE 1 164.5 180.0 in 155 stepsREACTION_PRESSURE 1 2.0 50.0 in 155 stepsUSER_GRAPH 1 -headings Depth Si Ca Mg C Qtz TC -axis_titles "Depth, m" "Molality" "Temperature, C" -initial_solutions false -connect_simulations true -plot_concentration_vs x -start10 a = (180 - 164.5)/57920 b = 164.530 depth = (TC - b)/a40 GRAPH_X depth50 GRAPH_Y LOG10[TOT("Si")], LOG10[TOT("Ca")], LOG10[TOT("Mg")], LOG10[TOT("C")]55 GRAPH_Y LOG10[EQUI("Quartz")]60 GRAPH_SY TC -end -active trueEND
SOLUTION 1 temp 25 pH 5.6 units mg/L Ca 2920 Mg 122 Na 17250 K 1745 Cl 34560 Alkalinity 110.659 as HCO3 #135? S(6) 136 as SO4 #206.6 #also 83.3 S measured Si 195 as SiO2 #between 160-200 Ba 6.23 #6.01 Sr 136 Li 21.6 #Fe 5.49 #added LWEND# Raise temperature and pressure# Equilibrate selected minerals if undersaturatedUSE solution 1REACTION_TEMPERATURE180REACTION_PRESSURE50EQUILIBRIUM_PHASES 1 Anhydrite 0 10 Barite 0 10 Calcite 0 CO2(g) 10 Chalcedony 0 10 SAVE solution 1END# Lower temperature and pressure# Allow gas phase to form# Precipitate mineralsINCREMENTAL_REACTIONSUSE SOLUTION 1EQUILIBRIUM_PHASES 1 Gypsum 0 0 Anhydrite 0 0 Barite 0 0 Celestite 0 0 Chalcedony 0 0 #Quartz 0 0 #SiO2(a) 0 0 Calcite 0 0 #Dolomite 0 0 #Magnesite 0 0 #Halite 0 0 #Diopside 0 0GAS_PHASE 1 -fixed_pressure -pressure 3.56 #average wellhead pressure -volume 0.0542 -temperature 166.3 #average wellhead temperature CO2(g) 0. #0.472 #NCG=50% of steam (NCG analyses: 0.944) H2O(g) 0. #0.5 #water is 50% of steam flowREACTION_TEMPERATURE 1 180.0 164.5 in 156 stepsREACTION_PRESSURE 1 50.0 4.0 in 156 steps # minimum pressure 4 atm to allow convergenceUSER_GRAPH 1 -headings Depth Calcite Chalcedony Barite CO2(g) H2O(g) TC Pressure -axis_titles "Depth, m" "Log10 Cumulative Moles" " Celsius or atm" -axis_scale x_axis -600 0 auto auto -axis_scale y_axis -8 auto auto auto -axis_scale sy_axis -10 auto auto auto -initial_solutions false -connect_simulations true -plot_concentration_vs x -start10 a = (180 - 164.5)/57920 b = 164.530 depth = (TC - b)/a40 GRAPH_X -depth50 GRAPH_Y LOG10[EQUI("Calcite")], LOG10[EQUI("Chalcedony")], LOG10[EQUI("Barite")] 60 GRAPH_Y LOG10[GAS("CO2(g)")], LOG10[GAS("H2O(g)")]70 GRAPH_SY TC, PRESSURE -endEND