DATABASE c:\phreeqc\database\phreeqc.dat##### Initial solution at the wellhead ##### SOLUTION 1 temp 160 # temperature wellheadpressure 21 # pressure wellheadpH 5.23 density 1 calculateAlkalinity 113 as HCO3units mg/LNa 29900 K 3816Ca 7254Mg 99.4Cl 64900 chargeS(6) 131Si 167 as SiO2 #SiO2Br 185B 41.1Li 168Sr 456Ba 8.270Mn 25.16Fe 25.06##### Put gas analysis in solution composition at wellhead ######C(4) 0.001 CO2(g) -0.069050968 # SI_gas=log10(CO2_vol%) vol%=0.853 Ntg 0.001 Ntg(g) -1.050609993 # vol%=0.089Mtg 0.001 Mtg(g) -1.647817482 # vol%=0.0225# EQUILIBRIUM_PHASES 1 # pH increases as CO2 dissolves in the solution # CO2(g) 0.853 0 # N2(g) 0.089 0# CH4(g) 0.0225 0END####### CO2 solubility from the reservoir to the wellhead at the production site ########USE SOLUTION 1 #USE EQUILIBRIUM_PHASES 1 REACTION_PRESSURE 110 400 in 50 steps # pressure decrease at produciton wellREACTION_TEMPERATURE 1160 # reservoir temperature USER_GRAPH 1 -chart_title "CO2 solubility at high pressures" -axis_titles "Pressure / atm" "Solubility / (mol/kgw)" -headings P CO2 CH4 N2 -connect_simulations false -start 10 graph_x pressure # solution pressure (atm) 20 graph_y tot("C(4)"), tot("C(-4)"), tot("N(0)") # Solubility (mol/kgw) -end END
##### Initial solution at the wellhead #####SOLUTION 1 temp 160 # temperature wellheadpressure 21 # pressure wellheadpH 5.23density 1 calculate##Alkalinity 113 as HCO3units mg/LNa 29900K 3816Ca 7254Mg 99.4Cl 64900 chargeS(6) 131Si 167 as SiO2 #SiO2Br 185B 41.1Li 168Sr 456Ba 8.270Mn 25.16Fe 25.06C(4) 0.001 CO2(g) 1.253 # -0.069050968 # SI_gas=log10(CO2_vol%) vol%=0.853 Ntg 0.001 Ntg(g) 0.272 # -1.050609993 # vol%=0.089Mtg 0.001 Mtg(g) -0.326 # -1.647817482 # vol%=0.0225ENDGAS_PHASE 1 -temp 160-pressure 21-volume 1-fixed_pressureCO2(g) 17.913 # 0.853 # vol%=0.853 * 21 atm Ntg(g) 1.869 # 0.089 # vol%=0.089 * 21 atmMtg(g) 0.4725 # 0.0225 # vol%=0.0225 * 21 atmEND# 1 L of gas per liter of solution pressurizedUSE solution 1USE gas_phase 1 REACTION_PRESSURE 121 400 in 20 steps # pressure decrease at produciton wellREACTION_TEMPERATURE 1160 # reservoir temperature USER_GRAPH 1 -axis_titles "Pressure, atm" "Moles in gas phase" -headings P CO2(g) Mtg(g) Ntg(g) -connect_simulations false -start 10 graph_x pressure # solution pressure (atm) 20 graph_y GAS("CO2(g)"), GAS("Mtg(g)"), GAS("Ntg(g)") # Solubility (mol/kgw) -endUSER_GRAPH 2 -axis_titles "Pressure, atm" "Total concentration, mol/kgw" -headings P C(4) Mtg Ntg -connect_simulations false -start 10 graph_x pressure # solution pressure (atm) 20 graph_y TOT("C(4)"), TOT("Mtg"), TOT("Ntg") # Solubility (mol/kgw) -endEND
DATABASE c:\phreeqc\database\pitzer.datSOLUTION 1 temp 29.8 pressure 1 pH 4.88 density 1 calculateAlkalinity 158.6 as HCO3 units mg/L Na 29900 Cl 64040 charge GAS_PHASE 1 -pressure 1-volume 1.2 -fixed_pressureCO2(g) 1 REACTION_TEMPERATURE 130 200 in 100 stepsREACTION_PRESSURE 113 USER_GRAPH 1 -chart_title "Gas solubility at 13 atm and GLR=1.2" -axis_titles "Temperature [°C]" "Total concentration, mol/kgw" -axis_scale x_axis 30 200 -headings T C(4) -connect_simulations false -start 10 graph_x tc 20 graph_y TOT("C(4)") -endEND
USER_GRAPH 1 -headings T C(4)_mol C(4)_mol/kgw H2O_kg -axis_titles "Temperature [°C]" "mol or mol/kgw" "Mass of water" -chart_title "Gas solubility at 13 atm and GLR=1.2" -axis_scale x_axis 30 200 auto auto -initial_solutions false -connect_simulations false -plot_concentration_vs x -start10 graph_x tc 20 graph_y TOTMOL("C(4)"), TOT("C(4)"), 30 graph_sy TOT("water") -end -active true