SOLUTION 1-pH 7.1281273-pe 11.775556-temp 10-units mol/lC 0.005106919Ca 0.00260352Cl 0.000912093Fe 1.89319E-05K 0.000173173Mg 0.000348927N 0.001102245Na 0.000754766S 0.000625511
REACTION_TEMPERATURE 1 10 25 in 7 steps
USER_GRAPH 1 -headings TC N(5) N(0) pH pe -axis_titles "Temperature" "Log molality" "pH and pe" -initial_solutions true -connect_simulations true -plot_concentration_vs x -start10 GRAPH_X TC20 GRAPH_Y LOG10(TOT("N(5)"))40 GRAPH_Y LOG10(TOT("N(0)"))90 GRAPH_SY -LA("H+")100 GRAPH_SY -LA("e-")SOLUTION 1-pH 7.1281273 -pe 11.775556-temp 10-units mol/lCl .001 chargeN 0.001102245ENDSOLUTION 2-pH 7.1281273 -pe 11.775556-temp 15-units mol/lNa .001 chargeN 0.001102245ENDSOLUTION 2-pH 7.1281273 -pe 11.775556-temp 20-units mol/lNa .001 chargeN 0.001102245ENDSOLUTION 2-pH 7.1281273 -pe 11.775556-temp 25-units mol/lNa .001 chargeN 0.001102245ENDSOLUTION 2-pH 7.1281273 -pe 11.775556-temp 30-units mol/lNa .001 chargeN 0.001102245ENDUSER_GRAPH 1-detachUSER_GRAPH 2 -headings TC N(5) N(0) pH pe -axis_titles "Temperature" "Log molality" "pH and pe" -initial_solutions true -connect_simulations true -plot_concentration_vs x -start 10 GRAPH_X TC 20 GRAPH_Y LOG10(TOT("N(5)")) 40 GRAPH_Y LOG10(TOT("N(0)")) 90 GRAPH_SY -LA("H+")100 GRAPH_SY -LA("e-") -end -active trueENDUSE solution 1REACTION_TEMPERATURE10 30 in 5END
USER_GRAPH 2 -headings TC N(5) N(0) O(0) pH pe -axis_titles "Temperature" "Log molality" "pH and pe" -initial_solutions false -connect_simulations true -plot_concentration_vs x -start 10 GRAPH_X TC 20 GRAPH_Y LOG10(TOT("N(5)")) 30 GRAPH_Y LOG10(TOT("N(0)")) 60 GRAPH_Y LOG10(TOT("O(0)")) 90 GRAPH_SY -LA("H+")100 GRAPH_SY -LA("e-") -end -active trueENDSOLUTION 1-pH 7.1281273 -pe 11.775556-temp 10-units mol/lCl 0.001 chargeN 0.001102245REACTION_TEMPERATURE10 300 in 5END