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Topic: Convergence error (Read 1783 times)
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Posts: 40
Convergence error
May 24, 2022, 11:42:47 PM »
Dear Phreeqc experts,
In my chemical equilibrium model, I am receiving the below error.
ERROR: ERROR: Did not converge on g (diffuse layer excess)
could anyone explain how to avoid this problem in my chemical equilibrium model?
Thank you
Global Moderator
Posts: 3808
Re: Convergence error
Reply #1 on:
May 25, 2022, 03:19:00 PM »
The error is related to the calculation of the composition of the diffuse layer for a surface.
There are two options for the diffuse-layer calculation: -donnan or -diffuse_layer (Borkovec). The -donnan option is much more stable numerically. the -diffuse_layer option is much more subject to convergence problems. So try the -donnan option if you have not.
There could be other issues with charge balance, the thickness of the diffuse layer, or high concentrations. I can't say without more information.
Top Contributor
Posts: 40
Re: Convergence error
Reply #2 on:
May 25, 2022, 08:30:54 PM »
Thank you for your reply.
I am using the Donnan model for my surface complexation. Due to other convergence problems, the chemical equilibrium model is throwing the error message fastly. But, the chemical equilibrium model is stuck by the diffuse layer convergence problems without showing an error message easily (it takes more time to throw the error message).
Therefore, could you advise is there any way to speed up or skip that step where the phreeqc_RM model is showing a convergence problem in the diffuse layer?
Thank you
Global Moderator
Posts: 3808
Re: Convergence error
Reply #3 on:
May 25, 2022, 09:20:14 PM »
I don't quite understand what you want to happen when there is a convergence problem in the diffuse-layer calculation.
There is a section of code in model.cpp (~5133) that handles the error. If you comment out this section, the model will continue to run as if the surface calculation was successful.
if (g_iterations >= itmax)
pr.all = TRUE;
pr.surface = TRUE;
pr.species = TRUE;
pr.use = TRUE;
error_msg("Did not converge on g (diffuse layer excess)", STOP);
Top Contributor
Posts: 40
Re: Convergence error
Reply #4 on:
May 27, 2022, 11:36:48 PM »
Thank you for your reply.
A) Due to convergence problems other than a convergence problem in the diffuse-layer calculation, Phreeqc_RM automatically takes chemical equilibrium data (solution, phases, surface complexation, and etc) from the previous step for the next step calculation. but in a convergence problem in the diffuse-layer calculation, data from the current failure step were taken by Phreeqc_RM code for the next step calculation. As result, I could not continue loop calculation while occurring convergence problem in the diffuse-layer calculation. Could you advise me on how can I continue my chemical equilibrium calculation?
B) In the Reaction keyword, I didn't include the Al element in the input data. but Phreeqc_RM is taking a certain amount of Al element automatically in REACTION (please see attached file). Could you tell me what is the problem in my chemical equilibrium model?
Thank you
Reading input data for simulation 1.
iterations 300
step_size 10
pe_step_size 5
tolerance 1.000000e-15
diagonal_scale false
temp 9.3173
pH 7.0
pe 4.0
units mol/kgw
density 1.023
water 1.000000000000E+00
Beginning of initial solution calculations.
Initial solution 1.
-----------------------------Solution composition------------------------------
Elements Molality Moles
Pure water
----------------------------Description of solution----------------------------
pH = 7.000
pe = 4.000
Activity of water = 1.000
Ionic strength (mol/kgw) = 6.380e-08
Mass of water (kg) = 1.000e+00
Total alkalinity (eq/kg) = -7.249e-08
Temperature (°C) = 9.32
Electrical balance (eq) = 7.249e-08
Percent error, 100*(Cat-|An|)/(Cat+|An|) = 56.81
Iterations = 0
Total H = 1.110167e+02
Total O = 5.550837e+01
----------------------------Distribution of species----------------------------
Log Log Log mole V
Species Molality Activity Molality Activity Gamma cm³/mol
H+ 1.001e-07 1.000e-07 -7.000 -7.000 -0.000 0.00
OH- 2.756e-08 2.755e-08 -7.560 -7.560 -0.000 (0)
H2O 5.551e+01 1.000e+00 1.744 0.000 0.000 18.02
H(0) 1.757e-25
H2 8.785e-26 8.785e-26 -25.056 -25.056 0.000 (0)
O(0) 0.000e+00
O2 0.000e+00 0.000e+00 -47.417 -47.417 0.000 (0)
------------------------------Saturation indices-------------------------------
Phase SI** log IAP log K(282 K, 1 atm)
H2(g) -22.00 -22.00 -0.00 H2
H2O(g) -1.91 0.00 1.91 H2O
O2(g) -44.67 44.00 88.67 O2
**For a gas, SI = log10(fugacity). Fugacity = pressure * phi / 1 atm.
For ideal gases, phi = 1.
End of simulation.
Reading input data for simulation 2.
C 4.544421722336E-03
Ca 8.757485029940E-03
Cl 5.466760217995E-01
K 8.899800521712E-03
Mg 4.649249125694E-02
Na 4.115011527252E-01
S 2.685254491018E-02
End of simulation.
Reading input data for simulation 3.
USE solution 1
USE reaction 1
SAVE solution 1
Beginning of batch-reaction calculations.
Reaction step 1.
Using solution 1.
Using reaction 1.
Reaction 1.
1.000e+00 moles of the following reaction have been added:
Reactant moles
C 0.00454
Ca 0.00876
Cl 0.54668
K 0.00890
Mg 0.04649
Na 0.41150
S 0.02685
Element moles
Al 0.01751
C 0.00454
Ca 0.00876
Cl 0.54668
K 0.00890
Mg 0.04649
Na 0.41150
O 0.03503
S 0.02685
-----------------------------Solution composition------------------------------
Elements Molality Moles
Al 1.752e-02 1.751e-02
C 4.546e-03 4.544e-03
Ca 8.761e-03 8.757e-03
Cl 5.469e-01 5.467e-01
K 8.903e-03 8.900e-03
Mg 4.651e-02 4.649e-02
Na 4.117e-01 4.115e-01
S 2.686e-02 2.685e-02
----------------------------Description of solution----------------------------
pH = 6.127 Charge balance
pe = -2.407 Adjusted to redox equilibrium
Activity of water = 0.982
Ionic strength (mol/kgw) = 6.373e-01
Mass of water (kg) = 9.996e-01
Total alkalinity (eq/kg) = -2.143e-01
Total CO2 (mol/kg) = 4.546e-03
Temperature (°C) = 9.32
Electrical balance (eq) = 7.249e-08
Percent error, 100*(Cat-|An|)/(Cat+|An|) = 0.00
Iterations = 20
Total H = 1.110167e+02
Total O = 5.554340e+01
----------------------------Distribution of species----------------------------
Log Log Log mole V
Species Molality Activity Molality Activity Gamma cm³/mol
H+ 8.936e-07 7.467e-07 -6.049 -6.127 -0.078 0.00
OH- 4.202e-09 3.622e-09 -8.377 -8.441 -0.064 (0)
H2O 5.551e+01 9.819e-01 1.744 -0.008 0.000 18.02
Al 1.752e-02
Al(OH)+2 8.145e-03 1.491e-03 -2.089 -2.826 -0.737 (0)
Al+3 4.676e-03 3.037e-04 -2.330 -3.518 -1.187 (0)
AlO+ 1.913e-03 1.343e-03 -2.718 -2.872 -0.154 (0)
Al(SO4)+ 1.564e-03 1.097e-03 -2.806 -2.960 -0.154 (0)
AlO2H 7.700e-04 7.700e-04 -3.113 -3.113 0.000 (0)
AlO2- 3.336e-04 2.341e-04 -3.477 -3.631 -0.154 (0)
Al(SO4)2- 1.211e-04 8.500e-05 -3.917 -4.071 -0.154 (0)
C(-4) 3.468e-09
CH4 3.468e-09 3.468e-09 -8.460 -8.460 0.000 (0)
C(4) 4.546e-03
CO2 2.473e-03 2.473e-03 -2.607 -2.607 0.000 (0)
HCO3- 1.597e-03 1.092e-03 -2.797 -2.962 -0.165 (0)
Mg(HCO3)+ 2.494e-04 1.751e-04 -3.603 -3.757 -0.154 (0)
NaHCO3 1.821e-04 1.821e-04 -3.740 -3.740 0.000 (0)
Ca(HCO3)+ 4.282e-05 3.005e-05 -4.368 -4.522 -0.154 (0)
NaCO3- 6.318e-07 4.434e-07 -6.199 -6.353 -0.154 (0)
Mg(CO3) 5.145e-07 5.145e-07 -6.289 -6.289 0.000 (0)
CO3-2 1.962e-07 4.714e-08 -6.707 -7.327 -0.619 (0)
CaCO3 1.188e-07 1.188e-07 -6.925 -6.925 0.000 (0)
Ca 8.761e-03
Ca+2 8.461e-03 2.098e-03 -2.073 -2.678 -0.606 (0)
CaSO4 2.567e-04 2.567e-04 -3.591 -3.591 0.000 (0)
Ca(HCO3)+ 4.282e-05 3.005e-05 -4.368 -4.522 -0.154 (0)
CaCO3 1.188e-07 1.188e-07 -6.925 -6.925 0.000 (0)
Ca(OH)+ 1.147e-10 8.049e-11 -9.941 -10.094 -0.154 (0)
Cl(-1) 5.469e-01
Cl- 5.469e-01 3.486e-01 -0.262 -0.458 -0.196 (0)
Cl(7) 0.000e+00
ClO4- 0.000e+00 0.000e+00 -169.719 -169.942 -0.223 (0)
H(0) 6.373e-11
H2 3.187e-11 3.187e-11 -10.497 -10.497 0.000 (0)
K 8.903e-03
K+ 8.867e-03 5.652e-03 -2.052 -2.248 -0.196 (0)
KSO4- 3.608e-05 2.532e-05 -4.443 -4.596 -0.154 (0)
KOH 5.980e-12 5.980e-12 -11.223 -11.223 0.000 (0)
Mg 4.651e-02
Mg+2 4.442e-02 1.355e-02 -1.352 -1.868 -0.516 (0)
Mg(SO4) 1.842e-03 1.842e-03 -2.735 -2.735 0.000 (0)
Mg(HCO3)+ 2.494e-04 1.751e-04 -3.603 -3.757 -0.154 (0)
Mg(CO3) 5.145e-07 5.145e-07 -6.289 -6.289 0.000 (0)
Mg(OH)+ 2.341e-08 1.643e-08 -7.631 -7.784 -0.154 (0)
Na 4.117e-01
Na+ 4.102e-01 2.913e-01 -0.387 -0.536 -0.149 (0)
Na(SO4)- 1.306e-03 9.169e-04 -2.884 -3.038 -0.154 (0)
NaHCO3 1.821e-04 1.821e-04 -3.740 -3.740 0.000 (0)
NaCO3- 6.318e-07 4.434e-07 -6.199 -6.353 -0.154 (0)
NaOH 7.053e-10 7.053e-10 -9.152 -9.152 0.000 (0)
O(0) 0.000e+00
O2 0.000e+00 0.000e+00 -76.552 -76.552 0.000 (0)
S(-2) 1.884e-03
HS- 1.884e-03 1.283e-03 -2.725 -2.892 -0.167 (0)
S(2) 1.893e-07
S2O3-2 9.466e-08 1.733e-08 -7.024 -7.761 -0.737 (0)
S(4) 7.020e-14
SO3-2 7.020e-14 1.303e-14 -13.154 -13.885 -0.731 (0)
S(6) 2.498e-02
H2S 1.637e-02 1.637e-02 -1.786 -1.786 0.000 (0)
SO4-2 3.358e-03 6.528e-04 -2.474 -3.185 -0.711 (0)
Mg(SO4) 1.842e-03 1.842e-03 -2.735 -2.735 0.000 (0)
Al(SO4)+ 1.564e-03 1.097e-03 -2.806 -2.960 -0.154 (0)
Na(SO4)- 1.306e-03 9.169e-04 -2.884 -3.038 -0.154 (0)
CaSO4 2.567e-04 2.567e-04 -3.591 -3.591 0.000 (0)
Al(SO4)2- 1.211e-04 8.500e-05 -3.917 -4.071 -0.154 (0)
KSO4- 3.608e-05 2.532e-05 -4.443 -4.596 -0.154 (0)
HSO4- 4.496e-08 3.156e-08 -7.347 -7.501 -0.154 (0)
HSO3- 1.967e-13 1.381e-13 -12.706 -12.860 -0.154 (0)
S-2 9.383e-16 1.718e-16 -15.028 -15.765 -0.737 (0)
------------------------------Saturation indices-------------------------------
Phase SI** log IAP log K(282 K, 1 atm)
AlOHam 4.67 -9.77 -14.44 Al(OH)3
AlOHmic 5.43 -9.77 -15.20 Al(OH)3
Anh -1.65 -5.86 -4.21 CaSO4
Arg -1.75 -10.00 -8.26 CaCO3
Brc -7.59 10.37 17.96 Mg(OH)2
C12A7 -203.29 -21.74 181.55 (CaO)12(Al2O3)7
C2AClH5 -12.56 2.76 15.32 Ca2AlCl(OH)6(H2O)2
C2AH65 -21.67 9.33 31.00 Ca2Al(OH)7(H2O)3
C2AH7.5 -15.51 -0.43 15.07 Ca2Al2(OH)10(H2O)2.5
C3A -66.24 9.20 75.44 (CaO)3Al2O3
C3AH6 -28.59 9.15 37.74 Ca3Al2O6(H2O)6
C4AClH10 -25.13 5.52 30.65 Ca4Al2Cl2(OH)12(H2O)4
C4AH11 -45.39 18.68 64.07 Ca4Al2(OH)14(H2O)4
C4AH13 -43.35 18.66 62.01 Ca4Al2(OH)14(H2O)6
C4AH19 -42.82 18.61 61.43 Ca4Al2(OH)14(H2O)12
C4AsClH12 -24.89 4.37 29.26 Ca4Al2Cl(SO4)0.5(OH)12(H2O)6
CA -10.27 -9.94 0.33 CaOAl2O3
CA2 1.09 -29.45 -30.54 CaO(Al2O3)2
CAH10 -2.08 -10.02 -7.94 CaOAl2O3(H2O)10
Cal -1.60 -10.00 -8.40 CaCO3
CH4(g) -5.74 -49.32 -43.58 CH4
CO2(g) -1.36 -19.57 -18.21 CO2
Dis-Dol -3.02 -19.20 -16.18 CaMg(CO3)2
ettringite -19.98 -8.65 11.34 ((H2O)2)Ca6Al2(SO4)3(OH)12(H2O)24
ettringite03_ss -6.66 -2.88 3.78 (SO4)Ca2Al0.6666667(OH)4(H2O)8.6666667
ettringite05 -9.99 -4.32 5.67 Ca3Al(SO4)1.5(OH)6(H2O)13
ettringite13 -53.18 -8.50 44.68 Ca6Al2(SO4)3(OH)12(H2O)7
Ettringite13_des -53.18 -8.50 44.68 Ca6Al2(SO4)3(OH)12(H2O)7
ettringite30 -20.69 -8.63 12.06 Ca6Al2(SO4)3(OH)12(H2O)24
ettringite9 -59.64 -8.47 51.18 Ca6Al2(SO4)3(OH)12(H2O)3
Ettringite9_des -59.64 -8.47 51.18 Ca6Al2(SO4)3(OH)12(H2O)3
Gbs 6.11 -9.77 -15.88 Al(OH)3
Gp -1.28 -5.88 -4.60 CaSO4(H2O)2
Gr -0.47 -34.44 -33.97 C
H2(g) -7.44 -7.44 -0.00 H2
H2O(g) -1.92 -0.01 1.91 H2O
H2S(g) -1.01 -45.17 -44.16 H2S
hemicarbonat10.5 -36.27 8.89 45.16 (CaO)3Al2O3(CaCO3)0.5(CaO2H2)0.5(H2O)10
hemicarbonate -34.28 8.88 43.16 (CaO)3Al2O3(CaCO3)0.5(CaO2H2)0.5(H2O)11.5
hemicarbonate9 -39.59 8.91 48.50 (CaO)3Al2O3(CaCO3)0.5(CaO2H2)0.5(H2O)8.5
hemihydrate -2.46 -5.87 -3.41 CaSO4(H2O)0.5
hydrotalcite -8.36 21.92 30.29 Mg4Al2O7(H2O)10
K2O -80.50 7.75 88.25 K2O
K2SO4 -5.63 -7.68 -2.05 K2SO4
Lim -24.91 9.57 34.47 CaO
M4A-OH-LDH -15.03 21.92 36.96 Mg4Al2(OH)14(H2O)3
M6A-OH-LDH -30.21 42.66 72.87 Mg6Al2(OH)18(H2O)3
M8A-OH-LDH -45.38 63.40 108.79 Mg8Al2(OH)22(H2O)3
Mg2AlC0.5OH -5.70 1.18 6.88 Mg2Al(OH)6(CO3)0.5(H2O)2
Mg3AlC0.5OH -13.26 11.54 24.80 Mg3Al(OH)8(CO3)0.5(H2O)2.5
Mgs -1.15 -9.19 -8.04 MgCO3
monocarbonate -27.01 -0.90 26.11 Ca4Al2CO9(H2O)11
monocarbonate05 -13.50 -0.45 13.06 Ca2AlC0.5O4.5(H2O)5.5
monocarbonate9 -31.57 -0.88 30.69 Ca4Al2CO9(H2O)9
monosulphate10_5 -26.75 3.25 29.99 Ca4Al2SO10(H2O)10.5
monosulphate12 -25.24 3.24 28.48 Ca4Al2SO10(H2O)12
monosulphate1205 -12.62 1.62 14.24 Ca2AlS0.5O5(H2O)6
monosulphate14 -25.32 3.22 28.54 Ca4Al2SO10(H2O)14
monosulphate16 -25.07 3.21 28.27 Ca4Al2SO10(H2O)16
monosulphate9 -29.11 3.26 32.38 Ca4Al2SO10(H2O)9
Na2O -59.69 11.17 70.87 Na2O
Na2SO4 -3.96 -4.26 -0.29 Na2SO4
O2(g) -73.81 14.86 88.67 O2
Ord-Dol -2.40 -19.20 -16.80 CaMg(CO3)2
Portlandite -14.51 9.56 24.07 Ca(OH)2
Sulfur 0.36 -37.73 -38.09 S
syngenite -6.11 -13.55 -7.44 K2Ca(SO4)2H2O
tricarboalu03 -10.38 -7.02 3.36 (CO3)Ca2Al0.6666667(OH)4(H2O)8.6666667
**For a gas, SI = log10(fugacity). Fugacity = pressure * phi / 1 atm.
For ideal gases, phi = 1.
End of simulation.
Global Moderator
Posts: 3808
Re: Convergence error
Reply #5 on:
May 28, 2022, 01:07:29 AM »
I thought we had agreed that adding all of the elements as a REACTION was not a good idea for PhreeqcRM, but you are persistent.
To recover from this kind of error, you may need to save the state of your system (all the current definitions of solutions and reactants) at intervals. When the calculation fails, you would need to recover the last good state and retry the calculation (probably with smaller time steps). There are methods StateSave, StateApply, and StateDelete, that would allow you to recover. Alternatively, you may be able to use DUMP to save the state of a cell, and then recover, but without modification, DUMP writes to a file, which would be a slow process. Another possibility is to use the "utility" or another IPhreeqc (or perhaps just another cell) to do the calculation, where you transfer the data for a cell, do the calculation, and transfer it back when it succeeds, or retry if it fails. Sounds possible, but you may need to dig into IPhreeqc methods.
You can use either phase names or element names in REACTION. Phreeqc looks for PHASE names first, and, if not found as a phase, then assumes the reactant is an element name. My guess is that you have defined a phase with PHASES with the name "Ca" that contains Al and O. If so, you should use a different name in your PHASES definition.
Top Contributor
Posts: 40
Re: Convergence error
Reply #6 on:
May 28, 2022, 04:04:21 PM »
First of all, thank you for pointing out that the same notation as "Ca" exists in the phase database. According to your advice, I have added the element composition of the solution through the SOLUTION keyword in my chemical equilibrium model. And, I have found this problem due to checking the solution through the REACTION keyword.
Thank you
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Convergence error