SOLUTION 0 red_seatemp 24.5 #average of Al-Taani et al., 2014 and Longinelli and Craig, 1967..pH 8.22 charge #Nonepe 0.2679 #Al-Taani et al., 2014 // 4.00 is the default (?) // 4.00 is the default (?)units ppmMn 0.000306 #Al-Taani et al., 2014 for the Northern Gulf of AqabaFe 0.006281 #Al-Taani et al., 2014 for the Northern Gulf of AqabaB 1.344 #Al-Taani et al., 2014Cl 24756 # in the Red Sea, and Longinelli and Craig, 1967Na 16417.2 # in the Red Sea, and Longinelli and Craig, 1967 describes [Na]=15834S(6) 9500 #Longinelli and Craig, 1967 and Llyod, 1967Ca 774 #Abdel-Aal et al., 2015K 301 #Abdel-Aal et al., 2015Mg 1646 #Abdel-Aal et al., 2015Sr 8.3 #Bernat, Church, and Allegre, 1972 from the MediterraneanBa 0.011 #Bernat, Church, and Allegre, 1972 from the MediterraneanLi 0.228 #Stoffyn-Egli and Mackenzie, 1984 for the Mediterranean Sea-water 17.378153556381264USER_PRINT10 IF GET(1) <= 0 THEN PUT(TOTMOL("S"), 1)20 IF GET(2) <= 0 THEN PUT(TOTMOL("Ca"), 2)ENDSOLUTION 1-12 Initial solution in the RO moduletemp 25pH 7 charge-water 17.378153556381264ENDEQUILIBRIUM_PHASES 1-12 Gypsum 0 0ENDREACTION 1 H2O -1; 9.057149147747937REACTION 2 H2O -1; 8.952016761697115REACTION 3 H2O -1; 8.846884375646292REACTION 4 H2O -1; 8.74175198959547REACTION 5 H2O -1; 8.636619603544647REACTION 6 H2O -1; 8.531487217493824REACTION 7 H2O -1; 8.426354831443REACTION 8 H2O -1; 8.321222445392177REACTION 9 H2O -1; 8.216090059341354REACTION 10 H2O -1; 8.110957673290532REACTION 11 H2O -1; 8.005825287239709REACTION 12 H2O -1; 7.9006929011888865#linear_permeate #Effluent module 1: #Estimated CF: 1.118E0 #Estimated solution mass: 15.545180409311685ENDTRANSPORT-cells 12-shifts 24-lengths 0.08466666666666667-time_step 3.946329703005324 # this satisfies the Courant condition with a feed velocity of 2.575E-1 m/s-initial_time 0-boundary_conditions flux flux -punch_cells 1-12-print_cells 1-12-punch_frequency 24-print_frequency 1#-correct_dispUSER_PRINT10 d_S = GET(1) - TOTMOL("S") 20 d_Ca = GET(2) - TOTMOL("Ca") 30 PRINT "Delta S, moles: ", d_S40 PRINT "Delta Ca, moles: ", d_Ca50 PRINT "Delta S/Delta Ca:", STR_F$(d_S/d_Ca, 20, 15)USER_GRAPH 1 -headings dist H2O,kg Cl,mol/kgw -axis_titles "Distance, meters" "Kilograms of water" "Molality" -initial_solutions false -connect_simulations true -plot_concentration_vs x -start10 GRAPH_X DIST20 GRAPH_Y TOT("water")30 GRAPH_SY TOT("Cl") -end -active true
SOLUTION 0 red_seatemp 24.5 #average of Al-Taani et al., 2014 and Longinelli and Craig, 1967..pH 8.22 charge #Nonepe 0.2679 #Al-Taani et al., 2014 // 4.00 is the default (?) // 4.00 is the default (?)units ppmMn 0.000306 #Al-Taani et al., 2014 for the Northern Gulf of AqabaFe 0.006281 #Al-Taani et al., 2014 for the Northern Gulf of AqabaB 1.344 #Al-Taani et al., 2014Cl 24756 # in the Red Sea, and Longinelli and Craig, 1967Na 16417.2 # in the Red Sea, and Longinelli and Craig, 1967 describes [Na]=15834S(6) 9500 #Longinelli and Craig, 1967 and Llyod, 1967Ca 774 #Abdel-Aal et al., 2015K 301 #Abdel-Aal et al., 2015Mg 1646 #Abdel-Aal et al., 2015Sr 8.3 #Bernat, Church, and Allegre, 1972 from the MediterraneanBa 0.011 #Bernat, Church, and Allegre, 1972 from the MediterraneanLi 0.228 #Stoffyn-Egli and Mackenzie, 1984 for the Mediterranean Sea-water 17.378153556381264SOLUTION 1-12 Initial solution in the RO moduletemp 25pH 7 charge-water 17.378153556381264ENDEQUILIBRIUM_PHASES 1-12 Gypsum 0 0ENDREACTION 1 H2O -1; 9.057149147747937REACTION 2 H2O -1; 8.952016761697115REACTION 3 H2O -1; 8.846884375646292REACTION 4 H2O -1; 8.74175198959547REACTION 5 H2O -1; 8.636619603544647REACTION 6 H2O -1; 8.531487217493824REACTION 7 H2O -1; 8.426354831443REACTION 8 H2O -1; 8.321222445392177REACTION 9 H2O -1; 8.216090059341354REACTION 10 H2O -1; 8.110957673290532REACTION 11 H2O -1; 8.005825287239709REACTION 12 H2O -1; 7.9006929011888865#linear_permeate #Effluent module 1: #Estimated CF: 1.118E0 #Estimated solution mass: 15.545180409311685ENDSELECTED_OUTPUT 2-file red_sea.txt-saturation_indices Gypsum -equilibrium_phases Gypsum -time true-solution-stepTRANSPORT-cells 12-shifts 24-lengths 0.08466666666666667-time_step 3.946329703005324 # this satisfies the Courant condition with a feed velocity of 2.575E-1 m/s-initial_time 0-boundary_conditions flux flux -punch_cells 6-print_cells 6-print_cells 1-12-punch_frequency 1-print_frequency 1END
1 - (Cl + Na + SO4 + ...) * 1e-6 kg/mg1 - (24756 + 16417.2 + 9500 ...) * 1e-6 = kg H2O
SOLUTION 0 red_seatemp 24.5 #average of Al-Taani et al., 2014 and Longinelli and Craig, 1967..pH 8.22 charge #Nonepe 0.2679 #Al-Taani et al., 2014 // 4.00 is the default (?) // 4.00 is the default (?)units ppmMn 0.000306 #Al-Taani et al., 2014 for the Northern Gulf of AqabaFe 0.006281 #Al-Taani et al., 2014 for the Northern Gulf of AqabaB 1.344 #Al-Taani et al., 2014Cl 24756 # in the Red Sea, and Longinelli and Craig, 1967Na 16417.2 # in the Red Sea, and Longinelli and Craig, 1967 describes [Na]=15834S(6) 9500 #Longinelli and Craig, 1967 and Llyod, 1967Ca 774 #Abdel-Aal et al., 2015K 301 #Abdel-Aal et al., 2015Mg 1646 #Abdel-Aal et al., 2015Sr 8.3 #Bernat, Church, and Allegre, 1972 from the MediterraneanBa 0.011 #Bernat, Church, and Allegre, 1972 from the MediterraneanLi 0.228 #Stoffyn-Egli and Mackenzie, 1984 for the Mediterranean Sea-water 17.378153556381264SOLUTION 1-12 Initial solution in the RO moduletemp 25pH 7 charge-water 17.378153556381264ENDEQUILIBRIUM_PHASES 1-12 Gypsum 0 0ENDREACTION 1 H2O -1; 9.057149147747937REACTION 2 H2O -1; 8.952016761697115REACTION 3 H2O -1; 8.846884375646292REACTION 4 H2O -1; 8.74175198959547REACTION 5 H2O -1; 8.636619603544647REACTION 6 H2O -1; 8.531487217493824REACTION 7 H2O -1; 8.426354831443REACTION 8 H2O -1; 8.321222445392177REACTION 9 H2O -1; 8.216090059341354REACTION 10 H2O -1; 8.110957673290532REACTION 11 H2O -1; 8.005825287239709REACTION 12 H2O -1; 7.9006929011888865#linear_permeate #Effluent module 1: #Estimated CF: 1.118E0 #Estimated solution mass: 15.545180409311685ENDUSER_GRAPH 1 -headings time Total_gyp -axis_titles "Time, seconds" "Gypsum in column, moles" "" -initial_solutions false -connect_simulations true -plot_concentration_vs x -start 10 IF CELL_NO = 1 THEN PUT(0, 1) 20 PUT(GET(1) + EQUI("Gypsum"), 1) 30 IF CELL_NO < 12 THEN GOTO 100 40 GRAPH_X TOTAL_TIME 50 GRAPH_Y GET(1)100 END -end -active trueTRANSPORT-cells 12-shifts 24-lengths 0.08466666666666667-time_step 3.946329703005324 # this satisfies the Courant condition with a feed velocity of 2.575E-1 m/s-initial_time 0-boundary_conditions flux flux -punch_cells 1-12-punch_frequency 1-print_frequency 24END
TOTMOL(n-1,j-1) = TOTMOL(n,j) + EQUI_DELTA(n,j)
SOLUTION 1-12 Initial solution in the RO moduletemp 25pH 7 charge-water 17.378153556381264ENDKNOBS-conv 1e-10SOLUTION 0 red_seatemp 24.5 #average of Al-Taani et al., 2014 and Longinelli and Craig, 1967..pH 8.22 charge #Nonepe 0.2679 #Al-Taani et al., 2014 // 4.00 is the default (?) // 4.00 is the default (?)units ppmMn 0.000306 #Al-Taani et al., 2014 for the Northern Gulf of AqabaFe 0.006281 #Al-Taani et al., 2014 for the Northern Gulf of AqabaB 1.344 #Al-Taani et al., 2014Cl 24756 # in the Red Sea, and Longinelli and Craig, 1967Na 16417.2 # in the Red Sea, and Longinelli and Craig, 1967 describes [Na]=15834S(6) 9500 #Longinelli and Craig, 1967 and Llyod, 1967Ca 774 #Abdel-Aal et al., 2015K 301 #Abdel-Aal et al., 2015Mg 1646 #Abdel-Aal et al., 2015Sr 8.3 #Bernat, Church, and Allegre, 1972 from the MediterraneanBa 0.011 #Bernat, Church, and Allegre, 1972 from the MediterraneanLi 0.228 #Stoffyn-Egli and Mackenzie, 1984 for the Mediterranean Sea-water 17.378153556381264USER_PRINT10 PUT(TOTMOL("S"), 1)20 PUT(TOTMOL("Ca"), 2)ENDUSER_PRINT10 REMENDEQUILIBRIUM_PHASES 1-12 Gypsum 0 0ENDREACTION 1 H2O -1; 9.057149147747937REACTION 2 H2O -1; 8.952016761697115REACTION 3 H2O -1; 8.846884375646292REACTION 4 H2O -1; 8.74175198959547REACTION 5 H2O -1; 8.636619603544647REACTION 6 H2O -1; 8.531487217493824REACTION 7 H2O -1; 8.426354831443REACTION 8 H2O -1; 8.321222445392177REACTION 9 H2O -1; 8.216090059341354REACTION 10 H2O -1; 8.110957673290532REACTION 11 H2O -1; 8.005825287239709REACTION 12 H2O -1; 7.9006929011888865#linear_permeate #Effluent module 1: #Estimated CF: 1.118E0 #Estimated solution mass: 15.545180409311685ENDUSER_PRINT10 IF CELL_NO = 1 THEN PUT(0, 3) # sum EQUI20 IF CELL_NO = 1 THEN PUT(0, 4) # sum TOTMOL30 PUT(GET(3) + EQUI("Gypsum"), 3)40 PUT(GET(4) + TOTMOL("S"), 4)50 IF (CELL_NO < 12) THEN GOTO 20060 t_S_in = GET(1)*STEP_NO70 PRINT "Flux of S into column, moles: ", STR_F$(t_S_in, 20, 10)80 PRINT "Gypsum in column, moles: ", STR_F$(GET(3), 20, 10)90 PRINT "Dissolved S, moles: ", STR_F$(GET(4), 20, 10)100 PRINT "Flux - Gypsum - dissolved: ", STR_F$(t_S_in - GET(3) - GET(4), 20, 10)200 ENDTRANSPORT-cells 12-shifts 6-lengths 0.08466666666666667-time_step 3.946329703005324 # this satisfies the Courant condition with a feed velocity of 2.575E-1 m/s-initial_time 0-boundary_conditions flux flux -punch_cells 1-12-print_cells 1-12-punch_frequency 1-print_frequency 6-disp 0.008END
SOLUTION 1 red_seatemp 24.5 #average of Al-Taani et al., 2014 and Longinelli and Craig, 1967..pH 8.22 charge #Nonepe 0.2679 #Al-Taani et al., 2014 // 4.00 is the default (?) // 4.00 is the default (?)units ppmMn 0.000306 #Al-Taani et al., 2014 for the Northern Gulf of AqabaFe 0.006281 #Al-Taani et al., 2014 for the Northern Gulf of AqabaB 1.344 #Al-Taani et al., 2014Cl 24756 # in the Red Sea, and Longinelli and Craig, 1967Na 16417.2 # in the Red Sea, and Longinelli and Craig, 1967 describes [Na]=15834S(6) 9500 #Longinelli and Craig, 1967 and Llyod, 1967Ca 774 #Abdel-Aal et al., 2015K 301 #Abdel-Aal et al., 2015Mg 1646 #Abdel-Aal et al., 2015Sr 8.3 #Bernat, Church, and Allegre, 1972 from the MediterraneanBa 0.011 #Bernat, Church, and Allegre, 1972 from the MediterraneanLi 0.228 #Stoffyn-Egli and Mackenzie, 1984 for the Mediterranean SeaENDREACTION 1H2O -148.5625 in 200 stepENDEQUILIBRIUM_PHASES 1 Gypsum 0 0ENDUSER_GRAPH 1 -headings factor Cl S Ca Gyp -axis_titles "Concentration factor" "Log molality" "Gypsum, moles" -initial_solutions false -connect_simulations true -plot_concentration_vs x -start 10 GRAPH_X (1 / TOT("water")) 20 GRAPH_Y log10(TOT("Cl")) 30 GRAPH_Y log10(TOT("S")) 40 GRAPH_Y log10(TOT("Ca")) 50 GRAPH_SY (EQUI("Gypsum"))100 END -end -active trueENDINCREMENTAL_REACTIONSUSE solution 1USE equilibrium_phases 1USE reaction 1END