SPECIATION calculationType "custom" calculationMethod -1 database C:\Users\International\Documents\PKDLM_BRGM_database_phreeqc_ThermoddemV1.10_06Jun2017.dat loopfile "1_RHIZO_H_millet.dat" debug 1 CHEMISTRYSELECTED_OUTPUT -reset false -file C:\Users\International\Documents\3_MILLET_RHIZOplant-H_T<vs_i>.sel-high_precision TRUE USER_PUNCH -headings q(nbre_volumes_de_cellulle) t logCsaq logKd Csini Csaq Kaq Naaq Caaq Mgaq Kd Kdsurf Kdexch Cssorb Cssurf Csexch Csverif illiKd montKd kaoKd Cs_plante Mg_plante Ca_plante Plt Plante_m -start 10 Msoil = <m_s>/1000 # soil_masse(Kg) 20 Vwater = <v>/1000 # volume batch (L) 30 MVw = Msoil/Vwater #Kg/L 40 VwM = Vwater/Msoil #L/Kg 50 Csini = sys("Cs") # (mol/L) 60 Caaq = tot("Ca") #(mol/L) 70 Csaq = tot("Cs") #(mol/L) 80 Kaq = tot("K") #(mol/L) 90 Naaq = tot("Na") #(mol/L) 100 Mgaq = tot("Mg") #(mol/L) 110 surfCs = (surf("Cs","Illitex")+ surf("Cs","Montx")+ surf("Cs","Kaolinitex")) #(mol/L) 120 exchCs = (mol("CsIlli")+ mol("CsMont")+ mol ("CsKao")) #(mol/L) 130 illCs = (surf("Cs","Illitex")+ mol("CsIlli")) #(mol/L) #(mol/L) 140 montCs = (surf("Cs","Montx")+ mol("CsMont")) #(mol/L) 150 kaoCs = (surf("Cs","Kaolinitex")+ mol ("CsKao")) #(mol/L) 160 Csfix = surfCs + exchCs #(mol/L) 170 Kd = (Csfix/Csaq)*VwM #(L/Kg) 180 Kdsurf = (surfCs/Csaq)*VwM #(L/Kg) 190 Kdexch = (exchCs/Csaq)*VwM #(L/Kg) 200 Kdilli = (illCs/Csaq)*VwM #(L/Kg) 210 Kdmont = (montCs/Csaq)*VwM #(L/Kg) 220 Kdkao = (kaoCs/Csaq)*VwM #(L/Kg) 230 Cssorb = Csaq*Kd #(mol/Kg) 240 Cssurf = Csaq*Kdsurf #(mol/Kg) 250 Csexch = Csaq*Kdexch #(mol/Kg) 260 Csverif = Csaq + Cssorb*MVw #(mol/L) 270 dt= <t_steps> 280 T_R= <tr> # = cel renew time (s) 290 nb_cel= dt*(step_no)/ T_R #nb renewed cel 300 T_exp = dt*(step_no) #experiment time (s) 310 Cs_plante = KIN("Upcs") #mol320 Mg_plante = KIN("Upmg") #mol330 Ca_plante = KIN("Upca") #mol 400 punch nb_cel, (T_exp/86400)-3, log10(Csaq), log10(Kd), Csini, Csaq,Kaq,Naaq,Caaq,Mgaq, Kd, Kdsurf, Kdexch, Cssorb, Cssurf, Csexch, Csverif, Kdilli, Kdmont, Kdkao, Cs_plante, Mg_plante, Ca_plante, tot("Plt"), GET(1) -endSOLUTION_MASTER_SPECIESPlt Plt- 0.0 Plt 1.0SOLUTION_SPECIESPlt- = Plt- log_k 0.0SURFACE 10-equilibrate 10-sites_units density Illitex <d_i> 97 <mv> # 0.5% Montx <d_m> 800 <mv> # 1.1% Kaolinitex <d_k> 10 <mv> # 0.7% # ^site/nm^2 ^SSA (m^2/g) ^M/V (g/L) EXCHANGE 10-equilibrate 10 Illi <e_i> Mont <e_m> Kao <e_k> # Equilibrage spike SOLUTION 10 units mol/L pH <h> Na <na>K <k>Ca <ca>Mg <mg>N(5) <n5>Cl <cl>S(6) <s6>C(4) <c4>EQUILIBRIUM_PHASES 10 Fix_H+ -<h> HCl 10 save surface 3 save exchange 3 END #Contaminated soil ==> RIZO SOLUTION 3 # ==> stagnant cell units mol/L pH <h> Cl 1.00E-05 K 1.00E-05 Mg 7.50E-04 S(6) 7.50E-04 Cs <cs> Plt 10 use surface 3 #number of surface and exchange need to be the same as the cell here solution 3 ==> cell 3 use Exchange 3 EQUILIBRIUM_PHASES 3 Fix_H+ -<h> HCl 10END SOLUTION 0-1 # inlet solution 0 # define solution 1 since PHREEQC wants at least 1 cell in the colum for transport ==> mobile cell. units mol/L pH <h> Cl 1.00E-05 K 1.00E-05 Mg 7.50E-04 S(6) 7.50E-04 Solution 100 #for evaporation/evapotranspiration RatesUpcs-start10 Z = TOTAL_TIME # s20 if Z <= 259200 then goto 240 # soil/plant contact time => day 3 after soil/solution equilibration100 km = 1E-7 # mol110 Vmax = 1E-9 # mol/g-1.s-1 120 bm = GET(1) # biomass (g)200 Vp = ((Vmax*mol("Cs+"))/(km + mol("Cs+"))) # Cs absorption rate (mol/g-1.s-1)210 rate = Vp * bm # Cs absorption flux (mol/.s-1)220 moles = -rate * TIME # Cs absorbed (mol)230 if (m - moles) < 0 then moles = m240 SAVE moles-end Upk-start10 Z = TOTAL_TIME # s20 if Z <= 259200 then goto 230 # soil/plant contact time => day 3 after soil/solution equilibration100 km = 9E-7 # mol110 Vmax = 1E-10 # mol/g-1.s-1 120 bm = GET(1) # biomass (g)200 Vp = ((Vmax*mol("K+"))/(km + mol("K+"))) # K absorption rate (mol/g-1.s-1))210 rate = Vp * bm # K absorption flux (mol/.s-1)220 moles = -rate * TIME # K absorbed (mol)230 if (m - moles) < 0 then moles = m240 SAVE moles-end Upna-start10 Z = TOTAL_TIME # s20 if Z <= 259200 then goto 230 # soil/plant contact time => day 3 after soil/solution equilibration100 km = 1E-2 # mol110 Vmax = 1E-15 # mol/g-1.s-1 120 bm = GET(1) # biomass (g)200 Vp = ((Vmax*mol("Na+"))/(km + mol("Na+"))) # Ca absorption rate (mol/g-1.s-1)210 rate = Vp * bm # Ca absorption flux (mol/.s-1)220 moles = -rate * TIME # Ca absorbed (mol)230 if (m - moles) < 0 then moles = m240 SAVE moles-end Upca-start10 Z = TOTAL_TIME # s20 if Z <= 259200 then goto 230 # soil/plant contact time => day 3 after soil/solution equilibration100 km = 1E-4 # mol110 Vmax = 1E-11 # mol/g-1.s-1 120 bm = GET(1) # biomass (g)200 Vp = ((Vmax*mol("Ca+2"))/(km + mol("Ca+2"))) # Ca absorption rate (mol/g-1.s-1)210 rate = Vp * bm # Ca absorption flux (mol/.s-1)220 moles = -rate * TIME # Ca absorbed (mol)230 if (m - moles) < 0 then moles = m240 SAVE moles-end Upmg-start10 Z = TOTAL_TIME # s20 if Z <= 259200 then goto 240 # soil/plant contact time => day 3 after soil/solution equilibration100 km = 5E-6 # mol110 Vmax = 1E-8 # mol/g-1.s-1 120 bm = GET(1) # biomass (g)200 Vp = ((Vmax*mol("Mg+2"))/(km + mol("Mg+2"))) # Mg absorption rate (mol/g-1.s-1)210 rate = Vp * bm # Mg absorption flux (mol/.s-1)220 moles = -rate * TIME # Mg absorbed (mol)230 if (m - moles) < 0 then moles = m240 SAVE moles-end Biomass -start 10 Z = TOTAL_TIME20 IF Z <= 259200 THEN GOTO 11030 t = TOTAL_TIME- 259200 #s40 ib = 1.35 #initial biomass (g)50 r = 7.77514921513017E-07 # max grow rate (g/s) 60 k = 5.00337635961718 # max biomass (g)70 y = k-EXP(-r*t)*(k-ib) # biomass (g) at time t80 rate = y/t90 moles = -rate * TIME100 PUT(y,1)110 SAVE moles -end KINETICS 3Upcs-formula PltCs-m 0-tol 1.e-16Upk-formula PltK-m 0-tol 1.e-16Upna-formula PltNa-m 0-tol 1.e-16Upca-formula Plt2Ca-m 0-tol 1.e-16Upmg-formula Plt2Mg-m 0-tol 1.e-16Biomass -formula H 0-m 0 -tol 1e-8ENDMIX 3 # simulate water evaporation/evapotranspiration 0 0.2100 -0.23 1 END TRANSPORT -cells 1 -lengths 0.01 # 1 cm soil -shifts <sh> # number of time_steps, total time is 24 days -time_step <t_steps> # each time_step (s) the MIX is performed -flow_direction diffusion_only -boundary_conditions constant closed -dispersivities 1 -diffusion_coefficient 2.3E-08 -stagnant 1 -punch_cells 3 -punch_frequency 1 END