Applications and Case Studies > Soil profile geochemistry
acid base titration with 2 binding sites in solution
I would like to simulate the acid-base titration of a lake containing natural organic matter in order to determine the pKa of two mean sites, called strong and weak, which will basically represent carboxylic and phenolic groups. I need to adjust the two pKa until the titration curve fits with the experimental one and this is why I used "selected output". I would like to draw pH=f(volume of titrant). Before the titration, I added NaOH to reach pH=12 and then I titrate with HNO3. The PhreeqC plot is showing only one initial volume point. The selected output is empy (I have the headings only). This is the script below and please if someone can help solving the problems, we will be very grateful. Thank you.
# strong site--Ha_s
Ha_sOH = Ha_sOH
log_k 0.0
Ha_sOH = Ha_sO- + H+
log_k -4
# weak site--Ha_w
Ha_wOH = Ha_wOH
log_k 0.0
Ha_wOH = Ha_wO- + H+
log_k -9
temp 25
water 0.015 kg # volume of the lake sample that is titrated
-units mol/kgw
pH 9.1
N(5) 0.1
K 0.1 charge
-units mg/kgw
Ha_s 637
Ha_w 637
KOH 0.1
1.067e-4 # initial NaOH added to raise the pH to 12 before acid titration
HNO3 0.1 # concentration of acid titrant
1.5e-3 moles in 17 steps
H2O 0.8447
-chart_title "Titration Curve"
-axis_titles "Acid Added (mL)", "pH"
-axis_scale x_axis 0 15 1
-axis_scale y_axis 0 12 1
10 VT=SOLN_VOL*1000 # volume of the acid titrant added
20 V=VT-15
30 pH = -LA("H+")
-file titration_Ha
-reaction true
-step true
-molalities H+ Ha_wOH Ha_sOH Ha_wO- Ha_sO-
Let's step back and consider your initial conditions. Ignoring the organic acids, the combination of solution volume and KOH addition generate a pH less than 11, rather than 12. Adding the organics would require additional base.
--- Code: ---SOLUTION 1
temp 25
pH 9.1
units mol/kgw
density 1
K 0.1 charge
N(5) 0.1
-water 0.015 # kg
KOH 0.1
1.067e-4 # initial NaOH added to raise the pH to 12 before acid titration
--- End code ---
After you address the pH issue, the next question is what are the concentrations of Ha_s and Ha_w. You did not include SOLUTION_MASTER_SPECIES so I am not sure what you had in mind for molalities. Note that you cannot define -units twice in a SOLUTION definition; only the last definition will be used. If you want to mix mol/kgw and mg/kgw, you should define -units mol/kgw and then
Ha_s 637 mg/kgw gfw ???
Note that you are really defining the concentration of organic OH groups that can be deprotonated.
John Mahoney:
Once again This is another good application of PhreePlot and its fitting capabilities. I have done this as an examples for a simple alkalinity titration to calculate the well known Ks for the the carbonate reactions. I have had troubles posting longer messages so send me a private message and I will provide more details. the posting issue might be relate to attaching PhreePlot input files not sure.
John Mahoney:
There is a little more discussion about this fitting application on my website Mahoney Geochemical, go to philosophy page and scroll down. In this case I ran a titration using PHREEQC and it produced a file of pH values for each step. That became the observation file . I then set up a PhreePlot model to calculate the two log K values for the carbonate/bicarbonate reaction and the H2CO3/bicarbonate reaction. the toughest part I see in your titration is getting the steps from the actual titration to match the acid additions in the model. I assume you used an automatic titrator so that should be easy.
Because there is a potential issue with PPI files, although Tom says he corrected it I have entered the file as a code block.
here is the input file for my titration. I suppose you could also add the site concentrations as additional fitting parameters , but you would need to have good data and enough of if for some confidence in the fits.
--- Code: ---# Example of fitting speciation reactions
jobtitle "Fitting Carbonate equilibrium using alkalinity titration"
calculationType fit
calculationMethod 1
database "Wateq4f.DAT"
#debug 1
fitMethod nlls
dataFile "titrations.dat" # file containing observations and independent variables
onepass true
mainLoop 1 # main (iterating) loop starts at first simulation (relative to start of block)
dependentVariableColumnObs pH # column in onepoint.dat
dependentVariableColumnCalc calc_pH # column in selected output
fitMaxStepSize .1
fitFiniteDiffStepSize 1.0E-03 # initial step size for parameter adjustment
numberOfFitParameters 2
fitParameterNames "k1fit" "k2fit"
fitLogParameters 0 0
fitAdjustableParameters 1 1 # 1 .= adjustable, 0 = fixed
fitParameterValues 10.0 11.0 # initial values
fitConvergenceCriterion 1e-7
plotfactor 1 # 0 turns off Plotting
plotTitle "Alkalinity titration fit <br> log K values 10.329 16.681 <br> fitted values <k1fit> <k2fit>"
xtitle step
ytitle "pH"
lines calculated # the 'calculated' column in the 'out' file is plotted as a line
points observed # the 'observed' column in the 'out' file is plotted as points
convertLabels F # prevents the labels being interpreted as species
changeColor T # give subsets a sequence of difft colours
lineColor "blue"
useLineColorDictionary 0 # 0 = do NOT use the line colour dictionary for colours
pointSize 1.5 # 3.0 # symbols will be 1.5 3 mm (nominal)
plotFactor 1.0 # can use this to scale whole plot
png t
pdf t
trackSymbolColor black
pointsSamecolor true
gridLines true
-reset t
#CO2 could be used instead of H2CO3
CO3-2 + 2 H+ = CO2 + H2O
log_k <k2fit>
#HCO3- 27
H+ + CO3-2 = HCO3-
log_k <k1fit>
-file titrations.dat
-high_precision true
-reset false
-headings calc_pH
10 PUNCH -LA("H+")
units mg/L
Alkalinity 200
Ca 80
pH 11.3
.005 moles in 50 steps
--- End code ---
John Mahoney:
I did not include the data from the original PHREEQC model, but you should be able to work that out from the chemistry portion of the PhreePlot input file.
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