KINETICS..-step 864000 in 10 steps # 1 day stepsREACTION_PRESSURE1 10 in 10 stepsEND
SOLUTION 1 temp 5 pH 7 pe 4 redox pe units g/kgw density 1 Cl 18.9799 S(6) 2.6486 Alkalinity 0.1397 Br 0.0646 F 0.0013 Na 10.5561 Mg 1.272 Ca 0.4 Sr 0.0133 K 0.38 -water 1 # kgENDUSE solution 1EQUILIBRIUM_PHASES 1 CO2(g) 0.3 0.3 Calcite 0 0.113REACTION_PRESSURE 1 400END
SOLUTION 1 temp 5 pH 7 pe 4 redox pe units g/kgw density 1 Cl 18.9799 S(6) 2.6486 Alkalinity 0.1397 Br 0.0646 F 0.0013 Na 10.5561 Mg 1.272 Ca 0.4 Sr 0.0133 K 0.38 -water 1 # kgENDUSE solution 1EQUILIBRIUM_PHASESCalcite 0 10GAS_PHASE 1-fixed_pressureCO2(g) 0REACTION_PRESSURE400REACTIONCO2(g) 13 mol in 30 stepsUSER_GRAPH 1 -headings CO2 CO2_gas Calcite_dissolved -axis_titles "Moles of CO2 per kilogram of water" "Moles of CO2 in the gas phase" "Moles of calcite dissolved" -initial_solutions false -connect_simulations true -plot_concentration_vs x -start10 graph_x rxn20 graph_y GAS("CO2(g)")30 graph_sy 10-EQUI("Calcite") -end -active trueEND