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Geochemical Modeling Course (PHREEQC, PHAST, PhreePlot) April 2020, Colorado USA


John Mahoney:

Once again, Mahoney Geochemical Consulting will present the short course "INTRODUCTION TO GEOCHEMICAL MODELING TOOLS: EQUILIBRIUM AND TRANSPORT APPLICATIONS".  This five-day course will run from April 20th to the 24th (2020) in Lakewood, Colorado (suburb of Denver, CO).  This course uses mainly PHREEQC, with some work with the reactive transport code PHAST (PHreeqc And Solute Transport).  We use public domain type codes that are easily available.   I have put these courses on since 2010 and I estimate that over 170 people have attended these classes.   

Another freely available program known as HYDRA/MEDUSA is covered.  H/M is typically used to prepare various diagrams (Speciation plots and Eh-pH diagrams).  Hydra/Medusa is easier to use than PhreePlot, but figure quality is better using PhreePlot.

In the more recent courses, we have also briefly covered PhreePlot, and if time permits we might include a couple of simple PhreePlot examples.  A much more detailed discussion of PhreePlot, including its significant fitting capabilities, is covered in my infrequently presented Advanced Course.  Go to the website for some examples of Phreeplot figures and fitting calculations.

 If you need further details (costs, schedule and registration form) contact John Mahoney at


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