Processes > Reactive transport modelling
How to use Mix in reactive transport modelling?
Hi everyone,
Do you know how to use the Mix keyword in Advection and Transport of Phreeqc?
I have the same question as you.
I am working on coupling PhreeqcRM with fluid transport model, and I am wondering if we actually need to consider solution mixing within Phreeqc during reactive transport modeling.
Since each call to PhreeqcRM involves inputting specified concentrations for each grid cell from the transport model, does this mean we can bypass the MIX keyword in Phreeqc? It seems like the transport model might already handle solute distribution across the grid.
Is this how it's generally done, or are there cases where using MIX within Phreeqc would still be beneficial?
PhreeqcRM expects all transport processes, including mixing (dispersion), to be handled by the transport model.
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