Hi all,I'm trying to use phreeqcrm with a mpi compiler on a cluster with the following conditions but having the problem that is terminated by the errorerror: undefined reference to 'PhreeqcRM::PhreeqcRM(int, int, PHRQ_io*)'collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit statuswhich is invoked by calling the constructor PhreeqcRM.Can anyone give me some suggestions to solve this problem?I posted a similar issue about compiling phreeqcm on a mac (http://phreeqcusers.org/index.php/topic,1011.0.html) and it was solved by installing llvm.I'm using the following conditions in a cluster.Description: CentOS Linux release 7.1.1503 (Core) OpenMPI/3.0.0-GCC-7.2.0-2.29LLVM/6.0.0-GCCcore-7.2.0PhreeqcRM is compiled with the followings.configure (--prefix=$HOME/local)*************************************Summary:C++ Compiler = mpicxxCPPFLAGS = CXXFLAGS = -g -O2Fortran Compiler = Fortran Libs = LDFLAGS = Enable OpenMP = noEnable MPI = yes*************************************make checkPASS: test============================================================================Testsuite summary for PhreeqcRM 3.4.0-12927============================================================================# TOTAL: 1# PASS: 1# SKIP: 0# XFAIL: 0# FAIL: 0# XPASS: 0# ERROR: 0============================================================================but the problem occurs when the installed library is called from a transport code.Any help will be greatly appreciated.Best,hjung