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Phreeeqc in R


PHREEQC has been ported to R and saved in the CRAN repository ( In RStudio you need only type install.package("phreeqc") to install the R package.

The R version is based on the latest version of IPhreeqc. You use a series of about 20 methods to run PHREEQC input files or strings and retrieve selected output. Most of the examples from the PHREEQC manual can be run as examples, and there is documentation for all of the methods.

Thank you David!

Do you have by any chance plans to keep updating versions of Phreeeqc for R? The most recent version of PHREEQC is 3.3.10 and R package is 3.3.1,

Thank you once again for porting PHREEQC to R.

Best regards,

We put a new R version on CRAN (version 3.3.10).

It says there is an error in the Linux version, but we have not been able to recreate the error. Please let us know if anyone has any problems.


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